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William pried his father's knide out of the wooden tabletop for the fiftieth time and stole a quick glance at Elizabeth before jabbing it into the splintered surface once more. She had not said a word since they had left the Pearl and it was probably best that she hadn't; William wasn't sure he could hold his tongue if she did.

Tia Dalma offered him a drink. "It truly is a shame." She murmured. "I know dat, wid da Pearl, you t'ought you could free your fadder from his curse."

William took a large gulp of the drink, wincing at its unusual flavor. "None of that matters, not anymore. The Pearl is gone..." He looked at Elizabeth, who quickly averted her eyes. "...And the captain with it."

"He fooled us all right 'till the end." Gibbs said, keeping his eyes on the floor. "But his honest streak finally won out." He raised his mug. "To Jack."

Everyone gave their own ode to the fallen captain, even Elizabeth.

William glared at her. "If there was anything that could be done to bring him back, would--"

"Would you do it?" Tia interjected, stepping between them. She looked around the room at the forlorn faces. "What would any of you do, hmm? Would you be willing to sail to de ends of de Earth an' beyond to fetch witty Jack and him precious Pearl?"

Gibbs nodded. "Aye."




Cotton's parrot squawked and flapped its wings. "Aye, aye!"

"Aye." William said gruffly, never taking his eyes off Elizabeth. She stared at the murky contents of her mug. "Yes."

"Well," Tia beamed. "Alright. But, if you are to brave de weird an' haunted shores of world's end, then," Her smile never wavering, she turned toward the rickety old steps. "You will need a captain who knows those waters."

Hector Barbossa lumbered down the steps in all of his vain glory, much to the bewilderment of the grief-stricken lot. "So tell me," He purred, drinking in their startled expressions. "What's become of my ship?"


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