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Several weeks later, aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge. . .

"Angelica, darling," Captain Edward Teach addressed his daughter and first mate with a curt nod of his head before casting his gaze to the flaming wreck floating near his ship's prow. "Dispatch a few of my men and have them comb through the remains. I should want another trophy to add to my collection."

He indicated the rows of scorched skulls lining the walls of his ship.

Angelica, though deeply repulsed by her father's macabre obsession, forced a smile before barking out orders to the crewmen. Beaming with pride, Blackbeard turned on his heel and retired to his cabin where he took a moment to close his eyes and inhale the bitter scent of the incense he kept burning at all times. Usually it helped him relax but today, something was different.

Something was wrong.

His hands tingled, his hair stood on end, and an icy chill stole over his entire body.

He was not alone.

One by one, he slowly opened his eyes but found his cabin empty. The only person he saw was himself glaring back at him in the shattered mirror he kept almost completely hidden. As he stared at his reflection, however, he noticed someone approaching from behind, a woman. . .

His heavy steel blade screeched as he swiftly removed it from its sheath and aimed it at the intruder. The woman made no sort of sound or expression when the sword was aimed in her face; she didn't even flinch. She only stared at him, her piercing blue eyes boring into his.

"Who are you?" He questioned, looking her over from head to toe. She was dressed like a common pirate, although the quality of her apparel coupled with the various gold and silver trinkets she wore seemed to indicate that she was a captain instead. "And what business have you on my ship?"

She held up her hands. "I've come only to have a word with you."

He pressed the tip of his sword into her forehead, prompting her to roll her eyes. "I would much rather have a civilized conversation. If you're capable of such a thing."

Hesitantly, Blackbeard lowered his blade. "Name yourself."

"Seraphina Drake."

"Ah," His face lit up with recognition. "The daughter of Leonard Drake, last of the sirens." Creases formed in the corners of his eyes as his lips formed a wry smile. "To what do I owe this special occasion?"

Choosing to overlook the venomous bite to his words, Sera crossed her arms and raised her chin in a dignified manner. "I think you know."

"Do I?" His eyes fell to the golden band on her ring finger and the large diamond sitting next to it. "What's that? Finally settle down?"

Glaring at him, she dropped her hands out of sight. "I didn't come to discuss my personal life, I came to--"

"I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him, you know." He rumbled, dropping his eyes to hide their delight. "Sparrow is a bad, bad man."

As much as she wanted to keep her composure and stay focused on the task at hand, Sera was unable to suppress her anger. Her fingernails dug into her palms as she balled her hands into fists. "What do you know of him?"

"What do I know of him?" Blackbeard chuckled, slowly prying his eyes away from the floor. "He took my dear Angelica's virginity, asked her to marry him, and left her at the altar on their wedding day." Relishing in Sera's stunned expression, he ran his tongue along his teeth and continued. "Now, what was the reason you came here again?"

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