'College is only four years'

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Over the summer Lydia and Derek have developed a bond, a connection that helps them both. Lydia still has trouble sleeping so Derek drives around with her, holding her hand whilst she sleeps. It's nice and it goes on for a long time, every time she has problems sleeping or have one of her nightmares she calls Derek and he picks her up.

So when they end up on the hood of his black Camaro the last night before she has to go to college, she knows it's a mistake. She doesn't want long-distance and to be honest she's not sure that she wants Derek, she's afraid of everything that follows him, not sure if she would be able to handle it but she can't deny their connection. But most of all she knows it's a mistakes, because now she can't get him out of her mind, she don't know how to say goodbye.

Derek holds her after, tries to get her to relax, to stop her tears. He asks her why she's crying and she tells him a truth, that she's afraid of leaving, missing the pack and him, how she's going to sleep without him holding her hand? He holds her tighter after that, tells her that she can always call him and he'll be there, she's only three hours away.

When he drops her of at her house at 1.30 in the morning she's so tired; all their talks, all the sex and all the tears has left her exhausted so he carries her to her room, slowly placing her on the bed, taking of her shoes and putting her under her comforter. He looks around her room, it's almost bare, everything packed for her new life, her new life without him in it.

He thinks she's asleep so he takes a step towards the door.

“Stay.” She grabs his wrist, looking at him hoping for him to stay with her one last time. He quickly takes of his shoes and crawls down behind her, holding her to his body.

“Derek, I’m scared.” She turns in his arms, buries her face in his chest. He can feel it becoming damp with her tears.

“I know, but you are going to be great.”

“I don't want to leave you.” She knows in the second the words leave her lips that she's in love with Derek, that leaving him is going to be the hardest thing she has ever done.  

“I really wish you didn't have to.”

“I can't do long-distance.” She looks up at him.

“I know that.”

It's like it's the end of the conversation, Lydia starting to cry silently, her tears leaving his shirt wet. He holds her tight, whispering to her that he’ll wait for her, that he loves her. She just cries harder at that.

It takes time but he gets her to calm down and finally she falls asleep. Derek stays all night, he wants to hold her all he can before she goes on that plane and leave.

When the sun shines through her window she’s wrecked, Derek's words messing with her mind.

When she turns around she sees him, he's looking down at her, his arms around her.

“Hey ..” He can't get himself to say anything else.

“Hi ..” she offers back, trying to stop the tears threatening to leave her eyes yet again.

“I was thinking that I'll drive you to the airport.”

“Stiles and Scott is doing that.”

“Then I'll drive there myself so I can say goodbye to you.”

“You don't have to.” Truthfully she hopes he won't, she's not sure she's going to get on the plane if he's there.

“Lydia, I'm not letting you leave without ..” he can't even say the words, the thought of her leaving, it's destroying him.

Lydia just looks at him, she's never seen him like this. Normally he’s grumpy, angry and closed of but this summer she's gotten to see a new site to him. She likes this Derek, the one that’s open and honest and how talks to her.

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