'I need you' part 1 ON HOLD

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The first time it happens was a week after Allison died. She walks to her car to drive to one place to end up at Derek's loft. She starts to scream when he open the door.

He covers his ears as she scream for a minute, after she falls to the floor, shaking. Her eyes are closed and she's whimpering a little. He sits down beside her and tries to talk to her but she doesn't respond. He lifts her up in his arms and place her on his bed, still holding her hand. She laid there for a long time as he watches her.

Hours later she wakes up, almost out of breath, her eyes red from all of her crying in her sleep. Derek is beside her on the bed and without thinking she falls to his site, crying on his chest as his arms slowly tighten around her. She remember going to her car, it was still light outside, but it's dark now. She doesn't know how she got to Derek's. Right now she doesn't care, all she's thinking about is Derek's arms around her, how he just holds her as she cries.

She cries and cries, herself wondering how there can still be more tears left inside of her and after she finally stops she feels numb at his site. She sits up, still a little shaking and dries her eyes. She doesn't look at him as he sits beside her, his hand on her lower back, just letting her know he's there for her.

He can feel her slipping away. Her heartbeats so slow, she's not breathing right. "Lydia?" she doesn't move from her place, she doesn't look at him.

He sits on his knees in front of her, shaking her shoulders a little. "Lydia?" a little louder this time and still nothing. He starts to panic. How do he get her out of this almost dead state?

He let's her sit in bed as he finds his phone and calls Scott. He walks back and forth in front of her.

Scott picks up after a few rings. "Derek?"

"Scott, I have a problem. Lydia is here, she just showed up screaming at my door and now she's catatonic. How did you wake her up the last time?" Derek ask him.

Scott sigh at the other end of the phone. "Stiles, he kissed her," it's almost a whisper. Derek sinks deep. He knows that they can't call Stiles now. Stiles has been down since the hole Nogitsune thing, he hardly gets out of bed these days. "What do I do with her until she wakes up then?" Derek ask, he has a idea what Scott are going to answer.

"Can't you just try?" Scott ask, even though he knows it's a lot to ask.

"Scott, I can't kiss her just to wake her up."

"It might be the only way."

"You can't tell me you believe that?" Derek shrugs as he looks at Lydia on his bed, she's sitting and just looking at nothing.

"She needs to feel connected to this world when the voices get to be to much, if you have a better idea by all means," Scott says, a little frustrated with Derek. Derek kissed lots of girls before, Lydia's beautiful, why is this such a problem?

Derek sigh at the other end but doesn't say anything as he looks at Lydia again.

Frustrated with everything and so tired, Scott at the end almost yells at Derek. "Just man up and kiss her!" and then he hangs up on the older wolf. Derek just looks shocked at the phone a minute, he's not used to Scott being so angry but he understands. He remembers when he lost Paige. It's not the same for Scott but he still lost the love of his life only a week ago. Derek looks back to Lydia, she's looking at him, tears running down her cheeks, it's clear that she doesn't see him though.

He walks back to his bed, trying to just get his head with him, he just have to kiss her once on the lips, it's not that big of a deal. She's beautiful, caring and he knows her. To be honest he's afraid she'll get mad at him.

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