'I need you' part 4 ON HOLD

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6 months later

"When are you coming home, babe?" Lydia ask him. He was bringing Cora home, to South America where she had stayed after the fire. She had stayed with Derek and helped with the alpha pack and Deculian but ultimate she wanted to go home and Derek didn't blame her. She lost everything in Beacon Hills. The only thing she had left was Derek - and Peter - but she didn't really know them anymore and she had made a life for herself the 6 years she was in South America. Derek wanted to make sure that she got there safely.

"In a couple of days. We just need to get her settled again and then I'll come home. Why, do you miss me?" he ask her, teasing her. He missed her like crazy. He knows she hates it when they separated, even if it was only for hours and this are almost a week. After everything they had lost she didn't deal with it at her best.

".. maybe. Please, come home."

"Lydia.. don't do that. I can't yet, baby. I hate this, but she's my sister, I have to help her. She needs me."

"I need you," Lydia whispered into the phone.

Lydia was staying at the loft. After her mother took of in the middle of the night, Lydia moved in with Derek. And when her mother finally got back, almost 3 months later, they had talked and made up, but Lydia stayed with Derek. Her mother understood. After almost a month back Mrs. Martin had sold the house and Lydia moved the rest of her things to Derek's and haven't looked back since. Derek's loft is big, upstairs filled with rooms, so one of them they filled with all Lydia's things that they didn't move into the loft. I wasn't that Derek wouldn't let her, she just didn't need them anymore. She was a lot more relaxed in herself after Derek had helped her so much. Her nightmares were almost gone to.

Lydia and Mrs. Martin talked on the phone almost every day, despite Mrs. Martin leaving her Lydia forgave her and in a way she felt lucky, if her mother hadn't left she wouldn't have gone to Derek's and all of this would have never happened.

"I know that, baby. I'll come home as fast as I can. And it can't be all bad, I know Kira and Malia are with you." He could almost see Lydia's shocked face through the phone, he laughed. "How did you...?"

He grinned a little as he heard her brain try to figure out how she knew. "I talked to Scott yesterday. He told me that he haven't seen Kira since I left, actually an hour after I left she left, and that she was going to stay with you. Stiles told me the same about Malia."

"I'm sorry, babe. I don't like to be alone. I feel safe here, you know that, but at night .. I can't really sleep without anybody next to me."

"Lydia, it's fine. They're welcome to stay over if it helps you. It's your home to."

"I am sorry I didn't tell you, I thought you would think I was crazy." She bites her lip, she knows he hates when she use that word about herself.

"Stop. I don't think your crazy, I don't care that they're with you, if that helps you until I get home then that's what's going to happen. Why don't you call Scott and Stiles, make a movie night or something? The boys miss their girlfriends, I'm getting sick of hearing about it."

She laughs a little, he hoped she would. "Okay, but it seems a little unfair. They get there boyfriend and I called you and I don't get mine." She smirked.

"I walked into that one, didn't I?" Derek laughed a little. "Just, yeah," she said.

They're both silent for a moment.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I miss you, come home soon okay?"

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