Chapter 5

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Peter Parker sat on the roof of the apartment complex Gwen Stacy had once lived in. He missed her immensely, and he wished that she wasn't so far gone.

He watched the city pass on underneath his feet, the cars butting up against each other as the traffic pursued.

He looked to the side of him, and he remembered kissing Gwen for the first time right on this very roof. The memory tore his heart in two, so he quickly placed his Spider-man mask back on and swung away from the complex. He was supposed to be a superhero, someone who saved others disregarding his current emotional state.

His eyes landed on a blonde girl with high stockings and boots, walking through Queens at night. She was walking rather quickly, as if she was trying to escape something. Two men that Harry recognized from OSCORP stood a few paces behind her, wrestling through people to get to her. One of them grabbed her arm, and she continued to hide her face, tugging at her arm to try to get away from them.

Peter knew that OSCORP wasn't really looking out for the common interest, so he decided to help the girl. With a flick of his finger, he swung down and kicked the OSCORP employee away from the girl. The employee stumbled back, and his buddy attempted to attack Peter. As his fist flew towards Peter, Peter's spidey senses alerted him of the coming danger. He kicked the OSCORP employee back with a roundhouse kick, pushing him directly into his partner.

Peter turned back towards the girl, and she looked at him with extremely familiar eyes. He stumbled back, as she smiled softly.

Her eyes glistened with tears, and she repositioned the large purse on her shoulders.

"Gwen?" He whispered, his voice shaking.

She nodded, but she turned around, and ran away from the unconscious OSCORP employees, and Peter Parker.


Otto Octavius had gone from being the happiest man alive to the most miserable in a few hours. He now sat across from the girl of his dreams, watching her cry and curse at OSCORP, while he sat and wished he could wrap his arms around her and bring her some comfort in this living hell.

All he could do was wish for some miracle, some way to freedom.

One of the guards footsteps echoed in the hallway, causing for both Otto and Chase sat a little straighter in their cells.

"Well, Otto, looks like you've got your first job." He stated in a snarky tone. He waved down two more henchmen, who proceeded to enter Chase's cell. Her face was calm at first, but as the man approached, the calm was replaced with fear. One of the men picked her up, and held a knife to her neck.

The one who originally spoke to Otto turned back to him. "And, if you attempt to escape, or rebel, she will die."

Chase gulped, and stared at him, her body shaking as she tried to keep her composure. Otto nodded solemnly, and followed the man out of the cell.

With every step, Otto was filled with more remorse. He wished that he could be sitting in the Cheesecake Factory right now, watching Chase attempt to eat spaghetti in a neat way. She would most likely end up accidentally dropping a noodle on her lap, and the two would laugh as she tried to wipe the marinara stain from her dress.

After he had payed for their meal, Otto would have placed a blindfold on Chase, and driven her to the New York Shore. He would've walked her to the most romantic spot on the beach, and proposed.

But, no, fate was cruel. Harry had conveniently decided to ruin his life on the day that was supposed to be perfect.

All of his life plans had crumbled. He could've moved into a condo with Chase, built a family, and grown with her. Now they would rot in a cell, growing old next to each other, but never allowed to be truly together again.

The man interrupted Otto's reminiscing by shoving him in front of a large screen. The screens display fizzed, and then Harry Osborn was looking directly at him.

"Hello, Doctor Octopus. That is your name now, so don't try calling yourself Otto." Otto rolled his eyes. Harry sounded unbelievably idiotic.

"Look, Doc, I have something very important for you to do. You will find Spiderman, and you will destroy him."

The tentacles immediately took over. His vision was clouded, and he had no control over anything he did. The arms picked Otto up, and they began to walk him out. In the part of his brain that he still controlled, he wondered what would become of him. What would become of Chase. The thought of Chase caused the tentacles to move faster, as if she would die if they didn't kill Spider-man.

Realization hit him like a ton of bricks. They wouldn't just kill her, they would turn her into a monster too.

Spider-man would die, so that Chase could stay human. Chase would stay human if it killed him.

{A/N *angst intensifies*

Yep. Well, that was interesting.

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The person who seriously loves the book Trifecta by freecuddlesxx because she's in it,


Experimentation (Book 1 in the Misunderstood Evil Series)Where stories live. Discover now