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Suncrust, burnished saffron trees

Of stubbled twigs and blazen leaves.

Subdued cherry tones soft sally

In stilton stone chipped frosted valley.

Snow strewn, stone fleshed mountainside.

Flushed its millstone heart inside.

Misted knights strafe waterfalls.

On shadowed steeds with silent calls.

Close cropped slopes vermillion grazed.

Surrender earth stone quartz light paved.

Marooned heaths of moorland heathers.

Kites of sooty, fingered feathers.

Rainbow tinted brackened causeways.

Purple alps of clouds, crowned sun blaze.

Echo over lichened marshes

Of life's blood stream from meadow arches.

Two toed footsteps, sheep shod trails.

White walled crystal water sails.

Softly fall on long lost halls.

Now so many remnant walls.

Sky muddied rivers turbulent rising.

Brave breasted dippers supple tones piping.

Flash gleaming dart, kingfishers azure.

Strikes through the mist to some unknown shore.

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