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The birds were singing, The wind was harmonizing, And the trees were dancing, That's what Cheryl expected. It never really rained in Riverdale and it was unusual for the wind to be howling like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves stalking its prey.

Penelope came in
"Congratulations, You dont need to go to school, Apparently there's gonna be a storm and its canceled. Unlucky for you though because I'm going to go to one of my mans house, have fun." Penelope gave a dirty smirk and slammed the door, the house shook from the wind and rain mixing.

Cheryl sat on her bed and squeezed her eyes shut, She was always afraid of storms, she clenched her fists hoping the sound would drown itself out.
Toni sat on her bed in her trailer, listening to the music of the rain falling onto her tin roof. She didnt mind it at all. She got out her phone and messaged Cheryl blushing at her phone self consciously.

T: Hey Cheryl, Pretty loud, right?
C: Yeah, Really loud.
T: Haha, Watcha doing?

Cheryl sighed and put down her phone for a second then picked it up.

C: Alone, In my house.
T: Same.
C: Do you think there's gonna be a flood? even a tornado.
T: Nah, You scared?

Tears rolled down Cheryls pale worried face, she winced at the loud bangs that occoured outside.

C: Toni, I think there's a tornado..
T: I mean its loud but, i don't think so?

Cheryl stood up and peered at her window as it was making weird noises. Suddenly the wind bursted through Cheryls window like it was waiting to erupt. Cheryl fell to the ground covering her head as the glass shattered ontop of her and the leaves blew in, cheryl screamed silently clenching onto her phone and quickly dialed Tonis number

"Cheryl?" Toni questioned, she listened to the defeaning wind against her ear.
"Cheryl?" She repeated this time a little louder covering one of her ears.
Cheryl dropped the phone and pushed her hands against her ears trying to deafen the wind blowing in.
Toni hung up.

Toni stood up and grabbed her jacket, she put on her helmet and rushed outside starting her motorcycle. She hopped on and pulled her glasses attached to her helmet down so it would protect her face. It was foggy and the only thing you would see is rain and leaves coming towards your face. Toni sped off barely breathing from the water drowning her and the cold air tugging on her throat.

Cheryl layed there on the ground holding her ears practically letting them bleed so the noise would disappear, the sound of 500 jets filled her room, the wind was basically taking over. She felt the glass plunged into her legs but forced herself to forget.

Toni arrived at Cheryls place, she glanced at the trees forcefully snapped. her lifeless cold body  jumped off the bike. She plunged her shoulder against the locked door pushing it down and toppling over it.

"Cheryl?!" Her faint voice echoed around the house.

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