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It had been over 4 hours, Toni had fallen asleep with her hand self consciously ontop of Cheryl's.

Cheryl's fingers slowly twitched under Tonis hand, Cheryl opened her eyes slightly, "Toni?" she faintly said trying to sit up but fell back down onto the pillow.
Toni quickly woke up brushing the hair out of her face switching her attention to Cheryl's now awoken body.

Toni had a smile spread across her face, and her heart fluttered. "Cheryl.. Hey, You're awake." she spoke softly.
Cheryl nodded before caressing Tonis hand that layed ontop of hers, "Yeah, Can i get out of here now?" She chuckled gently.

Toni stood up releasing her hand "Do you want me to go sign the papers saying you can leave? i mean you look fine, you alw- want me to go ask them?" she forced a smile staring at these stitches sewn into her body. Cheryl nodded slightly before Toni left the room, after Toni left, Cheryl forced herself to raise her heavy head and look at her once bare, now damaged legs. She ran her finger gently ontop of a slice before quickly swiping her finger off and clutching it back into her palm and sighing.

Toni came in waving the papers in the air "They said if you wanted to leave you can, But you'll need to be on some painkillers." She smiled gently
Cheryls face lit up "Yay! Okay let's go." she replied trying to sit up grunting.
Toni raced to her helping her up and stood her up gently "Does it hurt?" Toni asked, Cheryl shook her head "Ive been hurt enough to let anything hurt again." She said self consciously before walking with Toni into the car.

Whilst Toni was driving, Cheryl decided to break the silence.
"We're going to my house right? I need my Nana to know I'm okay." She said with a beaming smile.
Toni swallowed while clutching onto the wheel "Uh- Your Nana- She's gone." Toni managed to choke out.
Cheryl froze almost like she was paralyzed, "Gone?" Cheryl stammered.
Toni felt a rush guilt circle her, Almost like a disease. "Uhm.. She's gone to a retirement home, Whilst you were gone they took her in, She might stay there forever now."

Cheryl sighed of relief "Thank God, I thought you meant something that would shatter my fragile heart." She laughed nervously, "So when can we see her?" Cheryl sat up painlessly.
Toni clutched onto the wheel again, this time her nails digging into the leather. "Soon.. Just until you heal." She forced a smile before they reached the house.

Cheryl hopped out of the car, its almost like she had already healed but her body on the outside still looked painful and sore.
Cheryl stood there, frozen and blank.
'Caution' was plastered everywhere, even on the trees.
"Toni..?" Cheryl tilted her head
Toni swallowed and stood next to her "The storm was huge, It must be a hassard because of all the loose and weak trees." Toni lied again.
Cheryl nodded and gripped her fist around the tape, she threw it onto the grass before walking over it and entering the house.

The house was scattered with their precious antique objects either shattered or just toppled into piles.
Cheryl stood there "Oh my god. Do you know when my mother is coming home?" She turned to Toni, Toni shook her head "That, I do not know." She said before stepping over the pieces.

Their observing was interupted by Sheriff Keller walking and almost stumbling over there rubble that was left there, "This place needs a clean." he chuckled before reaching them, Toni felt a bit nervous, almost the fear he'd bring up the Nana topic,
"Toni, Can i have a few words with you outside?" Sheriff keller smiled, Toni nodded and followed him outside.

Sherrif sighed after they reached outside "Haven't told her yet?" He asked,
Toni shook her head "I will, I promise, She needs some rest though." She said calmly.

Sheriff nodded.
"Alright, Well that's not why I'm here. I'm here to tell you that 'the' wind, isnt wasnt the wind, It was a bullet used with a gun owned by the company The Verades. A business that supposedly delivered something here. But her Nana, She was stabbed almost 18 times, Most likely with another killer and another weapon as all doors were locked, Do you have any idea who that could be?"

"Chance." Toni whispered under her breath.

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