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Toni slammed her knuckles 
against Chances nose, She did the same with his jaw. He let go of Cheryl grunting and shielding his face with his arms.
Cheryl winced at the pain when he slid his hands off of her wrist.
Toni pushed him to the ground and kicked his hip "Never understatement Me. I never hesitate to mess up pretty boys faces." Toni smirked placing her hand on Cheryls wrist and caressing it.

Cheryl picked up her backpack and then held Tonis hand running with her outside of pops.
Cheryl let out a loud sigh of relief once they exited Pops.
"Who is that guy?" Toni let go of Cheryl's hand so the blood on her knuckles wouldn't go on her.

"My ex." Cheryl stared at Toni's bleeding knuckles
"Oh my god. You're bleeding."
Cheryl gasped.
"I'm fine, It'll heal. But you? Why did he do that to you Cheryl." Toni spoke seriously.
"I don't know. I think i was so- so obsessed with him, he still thinks i am." Cheryl swallowed.
Toni sighs "He needs to learn respect."
Cheryl nodded "Thank you Toni. Thank you for helping me." 

Toni smiled "No Problem."
Cheryl looked at her phone "Its getting late. I should go?"
Toni nodded and smiled "See you ttomorrow?"
Cheryl nodded and took off.

Toni went home and fell asleep.
Meanwhile Cheryl was still walking home, When she arrived she was welcomed by her mother standing at the door.

(Penelope Is Mean In This So If You Get Triggered, Sorry.)

"Welcome Home Nightmare Child. Where were you?" Penelope hissed.
Cheryl stared at her "At Pops, Getting away from my demon mother."
Penelope opened the door and shoved her inside, there were crates scattered everywhere.

"What the hell?" Cheryl gasped
"Your friend Chances parents came by. They delivered these crates full of your fathers drugs that never got delivered. I need you to talk to Chance, Date him even. Make his parents rethink their decision." Penelope Ordered
"No way. Chance deserves to be stuffed into one of those crates and suffocate." Cheryl raised her voice

Penelope shook her head "Cheryl if you want to go to jail fine. But im not, I'll have to date that pretty boy if i have to."
"Ew, Mother." Cheryl gagged. 
"You want to date a 16 year old boy.. it gets worse and worse." Cheryl rolled her eyes and was about to walk off when her mom took her by the wrist

"Don't for a second think that I'm getting worse. You're getting worse, You're a disgrace and a roach." Penelope growled squeezing Cheryls small wrist.
Cheryl shoved her mothers hand off of her wrist and blinked away her tears, she ran into her bedroom and buried her face into her pillow, she slowly fell asleep drowning in her tears.

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