Chapter 49- perfect

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It's been a month and we have found a place to see if they have the perfect pup for us. We pulled up to the adoption center and walked in. When you adopt some one you have to fill out these paper works and we can talk to the pup as well. Inside there was this s lady at a desk.
"Excuse me ma'am we are here for our 2:30 to 3:30." She looked up and had a smile.
"Oh yes her fill this out please." I took this clipboard and Evan and I sat down. The pup was a female and an alpha. Her name was Ashly. Her picture was on the clipboard.

"She looks so cute." I said filling some blanks in.
"I know. Let's hope we can take her home today." I finished the paper work and then handed it back to the lady. She told us to wait until our name was called so we can meet the pup. We have talked to people here before but this is our first time actually getting to see the pup. They had to see if we are eligible parents. Minutes later and our names were called. If we take her home her last name would be Fong because they would take after the alphas last name. They took us to the into this room with Ashly sitting in a chair playing with dolls. And this lady sitting next to her.

She was cuter in person. She looked up and saw her beautiful green eyes and straight black hair. She had this little freckles on her face and a little pink think head band with a white shirt that had butterfly's on it and had these shorts on.

"Mr.Fong, Mr. Denis I see you want to adopt this little pup." We sat down.
"Yes ma'am we do." Evan said.
"That's terrific because no one would want to because she was a female alpha."
"That horrible. Luckily she will be in good hands with us."
"I sure hope so. You two look like great parent."
"Thank you." I said with a smile. She bent down and started to place Ashly's information on the table. Her birth certificate and passport. She was born in December 6, 2013.

I looked back at Ashly. She was playing with her thumbs. She didn't seem shy tho more like nervous.
"Can you too please sign these paper and then she will be legally yours." Evan and I started to sign the papers. We have papers on her old paper nets as well. Her mother died from drug use and the father is unknown. The mother didn't care about her so she placed her in here I guess. Minutes later I sign the last thing making her ours.
"She is now officially your daughter. Ashly Fong." We got up. "Go on Ashly. These are your new daddy's."  The lady said. Evan and I smiled at her.

"I have two. Daddy's?" The lady nodded. She got up and walked around the desk. She was kinda tall for a 5 year old but she was an alpha. She hugged me and Evans legs. She giggled. Evan picked her up. She hugged better there.
"Thank you ma'am." I said.
"Your welcome. Have a great time." We walked out as Evan held her in his arm.

We had a room ready for Ashly. It was white with little and had trims of purple. She had a white bed with black and white strips as her comforter. We had a toy box ready for her but nothing inside. That's why we are going to stop by the store and let her pick out some stuff.

The thoughts going to through my head was "I have a daughter. I have a daughter", it just repeated in my head. We placed her in a car seat. In the back and we started to car.

"We need some clothes for her as well." I gave Evan one small tap on the shoulder to get his attention.
"Yeah plus she is going to start school soon. So we might as well get some school supplies."
"School doesn't start in like 2 months."
"I thinks it's best to be ready." He said.

"Yes?" we both said at the same time. We gave each other looks. I looked at her face. She seemed kinda confused.
"Here I'm daddy and you can call him dad." I said with a smile.
"Yes." Pups start talking around the age of 1 so she should know the basics of everything. "When do we go home?" She asked.
"Soon sweetheart we just have to stop by the store okay and you can pick some stuff out." I said.
"Okay." She made the O in Okay a little longer making her sound happy. I finally have a family that I will love.

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