There comes a time

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Hey guys, so for once i'm not writing this up as just a spur of the moment thing and finally at a suitable time but I felt like I just had to let this out, so here we go..

Now because the end of this major part of my life is drawing to a close it has me reminiscing and in a quite nostalgic mood. It kind of peaked when I was asked to answer a question about "what would I like to have completed in the next 10 years" and that's when I really had to stop and think.

I'm nearly 18, about to go to college and I hardly know what I'm going to do tomorrow or the next day but somehow i'm expected to know what i'm going to do with the rest of my life within that split second. And you know what, my mother will kill me if she evens hears me say this but I really have no idea, currently I really should be freaking out over these exams that are coming up but so far for the past few months I've kind of learned to see things at a different perspective and take things as they come.

There will come a day for everything that you have planned for the rest of your life, just let it happen when it happens and if it doesn't work out its not always the end of the worl because you know what. it's all up to you and I want you to remember that.

Things you do, wring or right you're gonna learn from it and experiences that come woth that are worth looking over and believe me regretting it wot help you learn that much but at least try to take something positive out of it.

Now for the song I don't know if yous feel like it links in here but in some pars I think it does. The mellow tune and him talking about this fire that he just cannot stand, I think they contrast really well because its so calm but then there's this thing that so dangerous that can hurt you and bruise you and just suffocate you. But really you're way stronger that this, you can pull through whatever way you think possible.

If it's about someone you fell in love with but seems to not reciprocate those feeling just please do not tear yourself down because they can't see how good a person you are, sometimes they will send you hint that maybe there is something there between you two but other times it may just be them needing someone a you were the best person to be there because they know how you feel towards them and how you cant say no but there comes a tie when you have to step away.

There comes a time when you need to stop dwelling on this that happened in your past that still come back to haunt you in the future because that's just not going to work out well, I'm sorry but you're not helping yourself.

If you don't fight for what you feel is right in certain situations just ask yourself is that battle worth fighting at all because it's honestly a lost cause. Either way you keep walking into that mistake and making the same one over and over again but each time you learn something new and you come out a better person that what you may have walked in as.

I think that before you try to give yourself to a person emotionally, just make sure yu know yourself first, know your strengths and weaknesses so that they don't use them against you when times get tough. Learn to understand what type of person you are and what you want out of this situation, if its a mutual benefit rather than a one sided thing then good for you but make sure to check all the boxes before you jump right in.

But hey, who am I to say anything about this right? because judging by all my past updates you can tell I've made quite a mess of my life and yes sometime si would think back on it and curse myself because I could have easily avoided all that but here. Not everything is gonna come easy to us, be young kids, teenagers or adults we are all bound to have ups and downs at one point but to choose whether you're gonna let those control you is completely up to you.

there comes a time for mistakes, be it now or later - theres no stopping them because they're going to happen regardless don't beat yourself up for it.

there comes a time for loving someone unconditionally and it may not be given back to you, but walk away with knowing that you are actually capable of loving someone and even if they didn't appreciate it at leats you showed that you cared and I promise you there will be someone who will admire you for exactly that, and I already do.

theres a time to stand up for yourself and now I don't mean punching somebody in the face but just putting out your feelings about a certain issue and how it should be handled instead of letting people walk all over you, show them what you're capable of.

There comes a time for you to realise and recognise your potential, you may not be in a place to do so right now but time is not going anywhere, you have all of eternity because you know what?
Fuck what everyone thinks *she says while making her daily decisions based on how everyone else would feel.*

And to help that situation - get yourself friends who are willing to turn your mistakes into funny enjoyable moments and who actually want to be there for you all the time, now that is a real ass friend, who's down for you 24/7. It makes it all worth it at the end trust me.

But anywho, thank you for reading this even though it may not make much sense but I hope some parts reached out and touched your soul.

With love, prim XX

Oh and this all goes out to my finest friends , god bless you all for being such blessing in my life you were out here to preform miracles and you do if everyday but living and loving to your best capability. Thank you for always being there and making moments worth remembering even if they were good or bad, you made it all worth it and I would never thank you enough, plus you showed me that everything and anything is possible.

Don't ever doubt yourself and remember:


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