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I woke up the next day feeling a void in my heart. I knew it was John. He had left, and I had stayed. I wanted to get to know him better, but before I even came to this school, Bobby warned me about the Brotherhood, so I knew it was a bad idea. My power was still raw. I didn't have complete control, but I was getting there. Until I did, I had Bobby, Seth, Luke, and everyone else. Unfortunately for me, everyone else already had there powers mastered, so I was like a kid to them.

"Blake!" Luke practically yelled at me.

"What?" I snapped out of my thoughts.

Seth and Luke just stared at me, but then Luke broke the silence again. "Blake, we've been trying to get your attention for like five minutes..."

"Oh...sorry. I was...thinking about John leaving."

This time, Seth spoke. "Oh, come on. You've got to get over him. Like now, preferably. He was no good anyway. There are other guys out there that I'm sure would love to be with you." He glanced over at Luke before I could say anything. I nodded slightly as if to say "Oh, gotcha..."

"Well, we need to get ready for class. The x-men are back, so we can't get excused today. Oh, and that reminds me. Blake, you need to go see your brother..." Luke stated.


"He's been kinda freaking out that you left with John, so he's been pacing in his room all night."

"Well, why has no one told him that I'm still here?" I inquired.

"He won't see anyone. We tried. He's way too freaked." Luke obviously cared.

"Oh god." I ran out the door, running until I reached his room. "Bobby! Open up!"

I heard really fast footsteps before my brother opened the door "Blake!" he said as he attacked me with a huge hug. "I thought you were gone..."

"I would never leave you. I would've come sooner if I had know you were freaking out like this."

"That doesn't matter. What's important is that you're here now. Okay?" I could tell he was on the brink of tears, so I took him into his room and I explained everything that happened between John and me.


Bobby and I had talked for what seemed like hours, but in reality, it was only about a half an hour. I had started walking when I hit a figured that felt rock solid.I fell to the ground, right on my ass. Great. Just great.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," the guy said. He had a very strong British accent. Then I looked up. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had blond hair, was taller, and was wearing a long sleeve shirt. Really? A long sleeve shirt in the middle of August?

I got up and started to walk away when I heard footsteps behind me, so I stopped in my tracks. As I did this, I felt him run into me.

I turned around. "Hi, I'm Zayn. I'm sorry about running into you. Twice." He laughed a little, then ruffled his hair.

"um, I guess it's fine. I'm Blake." I laughed at how cheesy I sounded.

"I know who you are. You're Pyro's girl aren't you?" His accent kinda cute.

"No, not really. I mean, he and I liked each other, but when he left to be with the Brotherhood, that was the end. I don't put up with shit like that." He laughed a little more. "So enough about me. What's your mutation?"

He hesitated, but then he looked both ways, like he was crossing the street, then grabbed my arm. We started walking to a deserted hallway before we stopped. He rolled up his sleeves to reveal some tattoos of different things running up and down his arms. He concentrated, then released all of his energy. As soon as I realized what was he was doing, his mutation happened. HIS TATTOOS WERE COMING ALIVE. There was a dragon that was chasing ran around behind me and pushed me back so I ran into Zayn. When I turned to face him, I noticed the dragon disappeared.

"Where'd it go?" I asked plainly.

"You broke my concentration." He was totally flirting with me. I mean I could kinda understand why because I'm not a horrible looking girl, but I'm nothing completely out of the ordinary.

Then I laughed a little. "So how does your mutation work?"

He smirked a little, like he had been waiting for me to ask that question. "When I was twelve, I used to draw things on my skin in Sharpie. Out of boredom, you know?" I nodded. "Well, I once drew a dragon and it was beautiful. I was admiring it and it suddenly came to life. So technically, whatever is on my skin, can come to life. Sharpie images come to life, then disappear, but real tattoos stay after that happens. So when I turned fifteen, I got consent from my parents to get a real tattoo, and I chose the dragon that started it all."

"Wow. Just wow. That is really cool. You make my mutation sound so simple and like a joke..."

"Why? What can you do?" He furrowed his eyebrows and I laughed a little giggle.

This time I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the forest where I was just yesterday with John. I did the same thing that I had done yesterday with twisting my hand and letting my flames run free until I decided that I didn't want to burn down the whole forest. After untwisting my hand and letting the flames disappear, I turned to Zayn.

"Why would you think that my mutation overshadows yours?" I shrugged and he grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes. "That- what you did just there- was amazing! You shouldn't doubt yourself." Just then, I saw a small clock tattoo on Zayn's collarbone that was moving and it was telling the real time. I had completely forgotten about class. Oh crap. Bobby is going to be on my ass for that.

"Well, thanks but-"

"No buts," he interrupted me. "It was wonderful. Come on. We're late for class. That is where you were going before I ran into, right?"

"Uh, ya. I guess I was. What class were you heading to?"

"Mutant Sciences," was all he said.

"Oh. Well, that's where I was headed. Wait that means that you're not my age...Mutant Sciences is only for year three's and above...How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen. How old are you?"

"I'm fourteen but my birthday is tomorrow. Just don't tell anyone..."

"I won't. Don't worry. So how is it that you're in Mutant Sciences if you're only fourteen/fifteen? I thought that class was only for year three's and above..." He mimicked my tone.

"My brother, Bobby is in that class and I have issues with my family because of Bobby. He came home for a visit last year, I was gone, and we're the only mutants in our family...well anyways our parents and our brother aren't exactly supportive of it. My parents don't even know that I'm one. My brother does, but he was always one to protect me. But he didn't want to protect Bobby, so he told my parents about him, but not me. So basically, Professor Xavier thought it would be a good idea for me to be in a couple of classes with him."

"Wow. That was a really long explanation." A little smirk tugged at his mouth.

We kept walking and talking until we got back to class and we walked in. As we opened the door, everyone's heads turned towards us. I could just feel the stares that said "Wow. I wonder what they've been up to..." or "They were probably off somewhere making out..." It kinda sucked. Whatever. There was one stare that I could feel boring into my sole...

"Blake? Where have you been?" I'd know that voice anywhere


(A/N) Hey guys! so I know I haven't posted in so long! But, I'm going to start uploading more often. I promise. But until then, I hope you liked this chapter! Please leave comments to let me know how I'm doing :)

PS I cast William Moseley as Zayn and he is Peter from The Chronicles of Narnia :)

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