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"Blake, where have you been?" I'd know that voice anywhere.

I turned around to see Bobby standing in the doorway of Mutant Sciences. "Oh, uh, hi Bobby..." I said guiltily. "What's up?"

"Care to answer my question, Blake?" He stared at me for a little while before glancing over at Zayn. "People have been saying that they saw you with him in the forest..."

"Blake I swear it wasn't anything. He was showing me his mutation and I was showing him mine. That's it." He scoffed at me, obviously not believing what I had just said. "Get this through your head, Bobby: NOTHING HAPPENED."

"Okay, fine. But just be warned. I'm still your brother and we're still at boarding school. So I have to look after you and it would kill me if something bad happened to you..." He looked like something bad had already happened.

"Bobby," I put my hand on his shoulder, "nothing bad is going to happen. At least not while I have you."

"Okay, fine. And what is your name?" He asked, turning to Zayn.

"Zayn. You must be Blake's brother," he said in his British accent, offering his hand out.

"Yes. Bobby. It's a pleasure to meet you, Zayn." They both smiled at each other. I found it kind of ironic that they've been in the same class for a month and been in the same year for two years. I guess things just work out like that sometimes...


The next day I woke up to the sun hitting my face. It was so bright that I walked over to the window and shut the blids, only now noticing that my room was completely empty. Walking over to the door, I paused, hearing some shuffling footsteps. After a few seconds, they faded away, leaving the only sound to be my heavy breathing, making me think that something bad had happened. I was after all, a heavy sleeper. But would Seth and Luke really leave me if I wouldn't wake up? 

I opened my door, making sure to keep my hand out just in case I had to use my powers. I was getting kinda freaked, but for some reason, I just kept walking down the hall. I kept walking until I heard footsteps again. Stopping, I turned around and walked towards where I heard the footsteps coming from.

I turned the corner, being very cautious and quiet. I stepped on a loose floorboard, causing it to creak. What happened next was something that I never thought would happen in a million years.

I finally rounded the corner completely, only to be greeted by "SURPRISE!!!" and that made me jump at least three feet into the air.

After I settled down, I realized who was in the room. With a big smirk on his face, standing in the middle of the room, was my brother. And right next to him... was John. I ran up to Bobby, hitting his arm and saying "Hey thanks for the heart attack..."

"I knew you'd like it," he said with an expression on his face, showing the pleasure this was bringing him.

I turned to Bobby's right to see John's blue eyes piercing right into mine just before he ran over, standing just in front of my face. He cupped my face in his hands, putting his nose on mine and looking deep into my eyes. He only whispered one thing to me, "happy birthday." Then he kissed me. Right in front of my brother, Luke, everyone. 

Our lips parted, only to see smoke coming from our mouths. My guess is that it was from the flames from each of us, but that's only a hunch. I looked over at my brother. He looked slightly ticked off, but then he spoke. "He's not exactly who I would've picked for you, but if he makes you happy, I'm happy."

I smiled then looked back at John. "I thought you were with Magneto?" 

"I just couldn't stand the thought of being away from you," he smiled.

I wasn't really sure what to do. I mean, I knew what I wanted, but that wasn't necessarily what was for the best. Bobby obviously didn't really want me to be with John, and it kind of seemed as if he liked Zayn. I looked around the room, looking for Zayn, seeing him sitting in one of the corners, obviously not happy with the guy that was gripping my waist.

I turned back to John. "Hey, give me a second?" He let go of my waist and I walked over to Zayn, the only thing coming out of my mouth being "hey."

He straightened up, then looked at me. "Happy birthday," he said grumpily before he got up and walked out of the room. 

Right then and there I knew something was up. And I was going to find out  what that was exactly.

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