Ayden awakened to the sound of someone continuously moving on the other side of the room door. He stood and began to walk towards the door. He opened the door and saw the girl he met when he was here last time.

"Oh hey Cecilia. How are you doing?" Ayden asked. She instantly blushed and looked down at the ground.

"I'm okay." She looked back up and smiled. Ayden smiled back.

"That's good to hear. Now, can I help you? You seem to be nervous." Ayden vent his knees to see her eyes.

"N-no. I just came here to tell you breakfast is ready and the emperor wanted to eat with you! Alright. Bye!" She stepped backwards and slipped on the rag that she had dropped a while ago. Ayden involuntarily grabbed her arm and ended up falling with her. He landed on top of her. Ayden opened his eyes to see Cecilia with her eyes closed.

"Are you alright Cecilia? Are you hurt?" Ayden looked at her. Kyle came from around the corner and saw a scene he never thought he'd see. He dropped the cup in his hand and it hit the ground. Ayden looked in his direction and then looked back at Cecilia. He stood and picked up Cecilia from the ground. He carried her to the infirmary. On his way to the throne room, he spotted Kyle leaning against the wall. Ayden simply walked by him. Nothing happened so he continued to walk. Kyle grabbed Ayden's wrist and pushed him against the wall.

"What's up with you and Cecilia? Do you like her or something?" Kyle stared at Ayden's face.

"So what if I did? Do you like her or something? Got a problem?" Ayden stared in Kyle's eyes. He never noticed how green they were before.

"Yes. I got a problem. I don't need you liking her or anyone." Kyle punched the wall beside Ayden's head.

"Okay... uh. Can I go now? Your brother wants to have breakfast with me and I'm really starving here." Ayden's stomach began to growl.

"No. You can not go. What about Philip? Do you like him?" Kyle's jaw tightened.

"Of course I like him. He seems like a nice person to hang around," Ayden said, "Why? Do you have a problem with me making friends?"

"Yes. I have a problem with you making- wait. Friends?" Kyle furrowed his brows.

"Yes. Friends. If you got a problem, it's probably because your the problem. You are not my father and I don't need someone telling what to do and what not to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat some cold breakfast while I have a nice chat with your brother. Good day." Ayden ducked under Kyle's arm and began walking towards the throne room again.

"Friends... just making friends..." he whispered.

Ayden sat next to William as they chatted the morning away.

"You seem to be fitting in with everyone now. I've seen you've earned trust with the guards and maids." William chuckled.

"Yes. And thank you." Ayden said.

"For what?" William looked at Ayden.

"For letting me stay here; not because I'm supposed to save you guys, but because you are truly a kind leader. I admire how true to your words you are. I understand that you only lie because you want what's best for your people. I believe you could care less if someone was to take all the good food from the castle because it would benefit those who live in the towns on your land, yes?" Ayden looked at William.

"Yes," William smiled, "I have to ask you a question."

"And that is?"

"Will you stay here forever with me?"

"I'm not sure. I'll have to think about it. I know you have secrets your hiding, and I have my own. Once I expose mine, I do not believe you'd want me to stay here. I'm sorry for lying to you all this time." Ayden lowered his head.

"What do you mean you've been lying?" William placed a hand on Ayden's shoulder.

"You'll understand one day in the future. But for now, I can not show you that secret you. You've built trust with me, but I'm sure you will hate me once I tell you. I hide my secrets like you hide yours." Ayden began to slouch deeper into his chair.

"I will show you my secrets, too. Just one day in the future."

"If we are still close in the future." Ayden said.

**weeks later**

Ayden began to pack his bag. He was going to see his friend, Philip. He had forgotten to visit him the day after he had met him, and he's been busy ever since. He began walking to where Philip lived. He left through a side door and continued walking the long halls of the castle. He instantly stopped and sighed.

"Why do you need to follow me?" He turned and Kyle walked out from hiding.

"Where are you going?" Kyle said.

"That is none of your business, jack."

"The name is Kyle. I wouldn't think you'd be the one to forget it." Kyle stood in front of Ayden.

"I didn't. I just don't feel like calling someone who gets on my nerves by their name... jack."

"Okay. Whatever. Just tell me where your going and I'll be happy to leave you alone." Kyle said.

"Fine. I'm going into town. To get something and I surely do not need a bodyguard to walk me around." Ayden spin around and began to walk again.

"Fine!" Kyle yelled, but Ayden just ignored and walked.

He continued to walk past many trees. He walked on the broken and worn out path. He looked up at the empty sky. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and sagged his shoulders.

He looked back down and saw something he didn't want to see at all. Something happened and he didn't believe his eyes. The place was a wreck. The table was knocked over. Blood; fresh and dried, was spilled on the leaves. The beautiful rose bushes were ruined.

"Philip!" Ayden began searching for Philip. He slowly walked around the small building. "Philip!" He shouted again.

"Here..." Philip said; barely able to speak.

"Philip!" Ayden ran over to Philip, "What happened?" He crouched next to Philip and tried to support him until they made it inside the small building.

"Well, first, I was attacked by some tall guy with brown hair after you had left. He asked me... what business I had with you... and then tried to kill me.... I... of course, defended myself..." Philip began spacing out his words even more.

"Shhh. Don't speak. Just tell me after I've cleaned your wounds," Ayden began searching the building for cloth, but found none.

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