Welcome Back! :)

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Hello everyone! It's been a little while, hasn't it?
Well, I'm so so excited to announce that the sequel to my first Kasane Teto fanfiction, Ruby, is finally here! This sequel, Star, will be similar to the first in terms of structure. It will still be written in third person PoV, and the main focus will be on Teto a lot of the time (because, well, I just love Teto too much, haha!).
I have no intention of making this introduction letter nearly as long as the one in Ruby, but just a reminder of a few things...
1. This is my story, and that means I reserve the right to tweak the characteristics of the characters as much as needed to keep the story flowing well. Please don't call me out if you disagree with something, I understand what you're talking about.
2. I love feedback! If you have anything to suggest, along the lines of adding a character or a way to make the story even better, please feel free to leave it in the comments, but please, be constructive, not mean.
3. We all have our favorite Vocaloid/UTAU characters (and ships), I know I do, and that's totally fine! But, please don't leave a nasty comment about one character (or ship) being better than another. Each character has their own special way of standing out, and we should appreciate what each character has to offer instead of criticizing them.
Well, I believe I've touched on the most important points here. I will try to publish as often as possible, but that may fluctuate, as school keeps me quite busy sometimes. Once again, thank you for the support on Ruby, and for taking the time to read Star!

Star (Sequel to Ruby)Where stories live. Discover now