[Chapter 9]

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Teto felt her hands begin to tremble as her friends looked up to acknowledge her. She never thought she'd be revealing her secret to anyone, especially under circumstances like these. As much as she wanted to say "never mind" and keep it to herself, she knew she had to put her trust in her friends.

"Well, um, there's something that's been a part of me my entire life that only my family knows about. Haku, Tei, I never told you the real reason I disappeared ten years ago. I... was abducted and brought to this place underground somewhere. They called it The Project, and their mission is to study and eventually kill all supernatural beings."

"But, wait," Haku interrupted, "why would they want you then?"

Teto sucked in a deep breath. "B-because... I am one. I'm part of a rare species called Chimera, which means I have wings and fangs, and I can usually be destructive if I'm mad. There's no way any of you could've known, I take medicine to keep it concealed, but I can still will it to come out or it comes out on its own if I get angry enough. Somehow The Project never figured out what I was, and I managed to escape. Len worked for The Project at the time, and he and Mat were the ones who helped me crawl through the ventilation system and climb out. Len ended up walking me home, and then we had never seen each other again until that night at the club..."

She trailed off, and there was an uncomfortable silence that followed. Teto was on the verge of tears, wondering if she had just lost the support of Tei and Haku, and possibly even Len. She couldn't go back on her words now.

"I thought I needed to tell you this because I will be required to show my other form when I'm being fitted. I realize it's a lot to handle, and if you guys don't want to support me anymore, then I understand." She choked out, burying her face in her hands.

Immediately, she felt herself being crushed by Haku's signature "monster hug."

"Teto! You know Tei and I would never abandon you, no matter what. We'd still have your back even if you told us you ate slugs for breakfast."

Teto couldn't help but crack a smile behind her hands. She felt Tei join Haku in the hug.

"Well, that's a bit gross, but yeah. We'd never leave you for anything! I'm glad you trust us enough to tell us something so serious."

Teto pulled her hands away from her slightly teary eyes. She wrapped her arms around Haku and Tei.

"Thank you guys, I love you both and Neru with all my heart."

Just then, they heard the sound of the door to the fitting chamber slide open. Everyone turned to the door as smoke began pouring out of the room.

Teto's jaw dropped open as Mat stepped out of the room, dressed head-to-toe in glowing light blue armor. His suit made him look like a knight in shining armor, and for a weapon he wielded a glowing long-sword with a blue sapphire-encrusted hilt.

Mat smirked as they gaped at him.

"Pretty dashing, huh?" He asked, and Teto saw his eyes momentarily rest on Tei. Tei seemed to have noticed, too, because she turned her head to hide her blush.

"I wanna go next!" Haku called, slinging her armor bag over her shoulder. Teto watched as she skipped straight into the room and the door slid shut behind her.

Teto watched the door until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to face Len, who had a small smile on his face.

"I don't believe I got the chance to say how proud I am that you got the courage to speak about your secret, and that you know I would never abandon you for anything. I think your bravery might be the most attractive thing about you."

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