Chapter 2

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"We're going to be late," Beca said staring up at the ceiling. Whenever she didn't receive an answer, she turned around to find the blonde making a sandwich. "Stacie!"

"I know," the blonde replied in the same tone before grabbing her back and following the much shorter Bella out of the house.

"This is when I wish we had one of those cart things that you see workers riding around on all the time," Stacie said looking around for the white motor vehicle.

"The golf cart?" Beca questioned as she looked up at her.

"Yeah, although I don't think that's what it's called," she replied and the rest of the way to class, the two girls debated on what the vehicle actually was.

"I'm glad you could make it," Professor Hilbert smiled at them as they walked into the room mid-lecture.

"We wouldn't have been late if Stacie didn't have to fix her food." Beca rolled her eyes and the older man laughed a little too much and loudly.

"Alright we'll all we're working on right now are intervals," he smiled at her. "Just take your seats and I'll be over to help you in a minute."

Beca didn't say anything, instead just took her seat beside Stacie and a random kid before pulling out her notebook and a pen to copy whatever was already written on the board.

The brunette felt her phone vibrate so she picked it up to see a text from Chloe which immediately put a smile on her face.

Chloe: Hey, I just wanted to let you know that tonight is the night ;)

Smiling like an idiot, she texted back.

Beca: Oh yeah? Why's that?

Chloe: Because I convinced all the girls to go out this evening so you don't have any distractions

Beca rolled her eyes and glanced over at Stacie who was copying the notes down.

Beca: Who said they were the distraction?

Chloe: Something tells me that Amy trying to get you to rub her feet every five minutes is a distraction for you

Beca: Amy's feet are very distracting, yes

Chloe: I got all your favorite snacks and your favorite blanket so tonight it's just gonna be me, you, Belle and copious amounts of unhealthy food :) get ready, Mitchell because we're doing this even if I have to force you to not fall asleep or run away

The two women have tried watching every movie available which Beca had made the fatal mistake of admitting to never have seen Beauty and the Beast. Chloe's response? The big night she had planned for them.

"Okay so what I'm having the class do is go through this worksheet and write down how many intervals are between each note," the professor smiled as he handed Beca and Stacie the packet, staying close to the brunette. "And after you finish, we're going over Vivaldi's four seasons."

The two women nodded and got to work on their papers, Beca feeling a little awkward because Professor Gilbert stood behind her but didn't most teachers awkwardly stand behind their students as they looked over their shoulder?

Five minutes passed and he was still standing there which caused Beca's attention to be placed more on the older man who sort of resembled an older looking, less attractive Tom Felton. His hair already started to bald, donning a bald spot at the top of his head, he had slightly more facial hair which made him look even older but not completely like a lost cause, and he always wore ugliest shirts. However, the shirts did show off his muscularity.

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