Fade To One Line In My Short Life

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I sat on the couch typing, deleting, and retyping messages to Oli and not once had I sent one. I felt like I shouldn't because Chris didn't say we were over, but then again we were just hanging out. What harm could it be? I finally sent a text to Oli and waited for a reply.

Me: It's Dani. I'm ready when you are.

Shortly after I received a reply

Oli: Awesome! Where am I picking you up at?

I gave him my address before walking upstairs to tell Jessica and Ricky I was leaving.

"Do you really think it's a good idea?" Ricky asked me. "I mean Chris may not be to thrilled about it."

"Chris is hardly speaking to me right now," I stated a bit harshly. "So I don't care all that much." Lie. I cared what Chris thought but I needed to get out.

"Ricky, stop pestering her about it," Jessica scolded. She turned to me. "Go, have fun." Jessica was amazing.

"I will!" I said before hearing the door bell and running downstairs. I openedbthe door to see Oli leaning against the door frame.

"Hello beautiful," he said making me blush. Why was I blushing? We were just hanging out, I reminded myself.

"Hey, you," I replied getting a chuckle from him.

"Are you ready?" He asked?

I nodded and followed him to his car getting into the passenger side. He played with the radio until he put on a CD and we rode silently. Eventually we pulled up to a large house with a ton of cars parked outside and down the street.

"Woah," I said looking at all of the people that were there. "You didn't tell me we were going to a party."

"Ah, sorry," he replied. "Thought I mentioned it. Come on." He got out of the car and came over to my side opening the door.

"Do I have to?" I groanedblike a bit child like. He laughed and motioned for me to get out.

"You are coming and you are going to have fun," he told me.

"Fine," I grumbled.

"Start having fun before I kick your ass," he joked.

I laughed and smiled at him and followed him inside. There was loud metalcore music blaring through the house and there were so many people we had to push our way through.

"Drinks first?" Oli asked loudly over the music.

"Sure!" I yelled back.

We went into the kitchen were there were people going in and out with cups of strong smelling liquior in hand.

"Pick your poison," Oli said gesturing toward the table filled with different types of alcohol and drinks to mix. I made myself a screw driver and he grabbed a beer. The burn of vodka felt good in my throat as I drank some and I found myself chugging it and pouring another. Oli laughed.

"Slow down there, love." But I didn't want to. I wanted to forget everything tonight and live.

"How about," I started turning to him. "We drink until we are screaming the music at the top of our lungs and don't have a care in the world." And that's what we did.

Quite a few drinks later we were laying out back on the grass together giggling about something Oli had said. Before I realized what I was doing I turned to him and crashed my lips into his. He didn't hesitate before kissing back and soon I was in his lap with my arms wrapped around his neck intensifying the kiss. I felt his hand on my thigh right belowbthe hem of my shorts and snapped out of it a bit pulling away.

"Uhm... I think we should go," I said a bit nervous.

"If you want... but," he said kissing my neck. "I'm okay with this." I shivered from the feel of his lips on my skin.

"Mmm," I moaned letting the drunkenness take me back. "Yeah, this feels pretty nice." I gave in.


I stumbled into Chris's house making quite a bit of noise. I wasn't even sire why I had Oli drop me off here especially since... I decided not to think about it. I heard someone coming down stairs and a light came on blinding me.

"Dani?" Chris asked coming over and guiding me to the couch. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry," I told him even though he didn't know why.

"Chris?" I heard a female voice say. I turned to see Megan standing there in a night robe. I scoffed feeling anger inside of me even though I had no right to feel it.

"She's staying the night now?" I asked with the hatefulness showing in my voice.

"Who are you?" She asked clueless. I forgot that she lost her memory of me.

"The girl he is planning on leaving you for," I snapped my words slurred by the alcohol. Chris's eyes widened and his looked angry. I suddenly realized what I had said.

"Chris I'm sorry," I whispered.

"Save it," he snapped at me. "I'll get Devin to take you home." He turned to megan before walking off. "Go to bed babe, we can talk in the morning." She nodded with a straight face and he left the room. Megan looked at me and smirked before leaving. Something about the way she looked at me told me she was still the same Megan she was before the concussion but now I was the bitch.


AN: DunDunDuuuuuun xD sorry it's short but things are finally moving along! whoo! Vote, comment, follow :3

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