We're Both Just Slaves That Can't Refuse

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It had been almost a month since the night of the concert and I had heard no word from Chris, Layla, or Kellin. I assumed that Layla was staying with him since I hadn’t seen her here and she must have come by when I was at work to get some of her stuff. I’m sure Chris went on to finish his tour or he went back to Scranton where he lives so I had no hopes in that going anywhere. I was trying to go back to my normal life and routine of going to work but it was hard when you had people stopping you asking if you were Kellin’s psycho ex. Things got out pretty bad just a few days after the fight and dear god Kellin milked it so bad. When he got interviewed about it he said that some psycho ex girl friend of his got jealous when she saw him with another girl and then the guy she was sleeping with, Chris, even though I wasn’t sleeping with him, got jealous that she, being I, wanted him back and started fighting him. From what I was reading Chris was making no comment when people asked him about it. A picture had been taken right as I was slapping Kellin and that was the picture that was going around with the caption, “Kellin’s Psycho Ex Couldn’t handle the jealousy of his new love interest.”  New love Interest my ass. More like sleeping with my best friend just to get under my skin. Of course that part had been left out.

I picked up a box of black hair dye and started mixing it up. In the picture I had my pink and yellow hair so hopefully this would get some of Kellin’s fan girls to leave me alone. Just as I was about to put it on my hair someone knocked on the door. I sat down the hair dye and walked to the door expecting Layla but when I opened it I was completely taken of guard. It was Chris. Standing there against the door frame in dark washed out jeans with a Misfits hoodie that was pulled over his head. He took his sunglasses off and smiled at me.

“Miss me?” He asked smirking at me.

It took me a minute to get words to come out of my mouth. I hadn’t expected to see him again but here he was standing at the door to my apartment with that gorgeous smile of his.

“Want to come in?” I finally managed to get out even though I was stammering horribly.

“Absolutely,” he said following me inside. “I mean I did come all the way from Scranton just to see you.”

He had to be joking right? There was no way he came all this way just for me and if he did he was crazy for it. I wasn’t worth him wasting that much time.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I said quietly as I sat down on the couch.

“I know that, but I wanted to so I did.”

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

“I’m really sorry it took this long for you to hear from me. I hope you don’t see me as that guy that never called. My manager thought it was better that I didn’t see you or contact you because it would look bad if anyone saw us or found out.”

Basically, I could once again thank Kellin for fucking things up for me.

“It’s okay,” I told Chris smiling. “How long are you in Orlando for this time?”

“We are actually on break from touring or recording right now so the whole band decided to take a one month vacation here. Most of the guys even brought their girlfriends that I’m sure you will get along with.”

A whole month spent with Chris and his band. That sounded like the most amazing thing ever to me.

“What if someone sees you with me?” I asked him not wanting to cause any problems for him.

“I’m not really worried about it,” he replied. “The situation has died down a good bit.”

“I still can’t believe you guys came all the way here for me.”

“Well believe it because we did!”

I looked up at the clock and realized it was almost time for me to get ready for work.

“I have to be at work in just a couple of hours but after I get off I’d love to hang out with you guys. Where is everyone else anyway?”

“They are all getting settled in at the hotel then they are going to look for things to do. I told them I’d be with you most of the day so do you want me to take you to work?”

“Sure! Just let me go get ready.”

I went back to my room and I could feel his eyes following me the whole time. It felt nice to be wanted like that. I closed the door and went to my closet to pick out my clothes which ended up being a black dress with a corset type top, fishnet leggings, and my combat boots. Before getting dressed I decided to dye my hair as quickly as I could. I had already mixed up the dye and didn’t want it to go to waste. While it was setting on my hair I decided to grab something to eat and walked out of my room in my bra with my hair clipped on the top of my head completely forgetting that Chris was sitting in my living room. I gasped when I saw him and remembered he was there and tried to hurry back to my room to put a shirt on but I heard him laugh and realized I wasn’t fast enough.

“Forgot I was here, huh?” He asked smirking at me. “Or you just wanted me to see you like that,” his grin widened and I could feel myself blushing.

“I’m so sorry. I’m going to go… Uhm… put a shirt on now,” I stammered.

He laughed a little bit again.

“Hey, however you’re comfortable is fine with me. I’m not judging you. If it was my house I’d probably be walking around the same way.”

I giggled a little as I walked back to my room and pulled on a t-shirt before walking back through to the kitchen.

“Do you want anything?” I called to Chris as I looked through the cabinets for something to make. All of the sudden I felt is arms around me and I turned around.

“I do, but I don’t think you’re going to find it in there.”

I had to catch my breath through the excitement I was feeling from him being this close to me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine sending chills over every part of my body. As much as I wanted to keep kissing him I knew I had to finish getting ready so I pulled away.

“Do I have to stop kissing you now?” He asked putting on a fake puppy dog face.

I laughed. “Yes, because I have to get ready but if I get ready in time you’re welcome to do it again.”

“I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”

He let me go and I went back to my room smiling the whole way. My smile quickly broke when I saw who was sitting on my bed.

“What are you doing here, Kellin?”

Authors Note : This chapter was pretty boring to write because it was mainly filler but as you can see the next chapter will be A LOT better with Kellin still causing drama. And just to let you guys know I love Kellin and am in no way trying to say he’s actually like this in real life because I’ve never met him  I just wanted to put a little spin since most fanfictions with him in it have him all lovey and sweet. Anyway vote, follow, and comment. I would love to hear your feedback! 

Ps: If I don't have all of the details of Chris, Kellin, or any other band member perfect I'm sorry. I'm doing my best with this!

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