Gag reel 1

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(It's 6:00 AM. Sensei Wu had given the four ninja their ninja garbs last night, and right now, Zane and Cole are in the kitchen preparing breakfast burritos and pancakes for the others while Jay teases Kai about not knowing how an alarm works.)

Zane: Cole? What are you doing?

Cole:(licks lips) Oh, Zane, just taste-testing the batter. It's a habit. Why?

Zane: It's just that it's not sanitary. Jay will faint if he finds out that there's saliva in the food.

Cole: (looks at Zane like he's lost his marbles) I'm not spitting in anything. (puts burritos in the microwave)

Zane: (gives Cole a look) But you are licking the spoon.

Cole: (looks at shoes) Can't argue with that.


Jay: (snickering) Man, Kai, I thought you were tough.

Kai: (angry and red-faced) You'd scream too if you woke up to an unfamiliar loud sound!

Jay: (stops snickering and gets a confused look on his face.) Say what?

Kai: (sighs) What I mean is I've never heard that sound before.

Jay: Never!? (giggles escape his smiling mouth) You mean you were deaf?

Kai: (face palms) You know what? Look at it this way. Suppose your parents disappeared (sniffs air) What's that smell?

Jay: (takes a whiff of the air) I think it's smoke.

(meanwhile, in the kitchen......)

Zane: Cole, something's burning. And it's coming from the microwave.

Cole: (blushes and looks at feet) Uh.......

Zane: (furrows brows) You didn't put aluminum in there, did you?

(suddenly, right there and then, Jay and Kai run into the kitchen)

Kai: Is something wrong? We smelled smoke, and - (Kai doesn't finish his sentence because Cole knocked them out of the room, taking him with them. As if on cue, the microwave explodes.)

Zane: (is standing there with his mouth open, as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.)

Jay: (starts laughing) Cole, what was that about?

Cole: (cheeks redden) I didn't mean to! How was I supposed to know about the laws of a microwave?

Kai: (scoffs) Seriously, what's next? Putting too much sugar in the-(the next thing everyone knows is that the kitchen exploded again. Zane fainted in Jay's arms.)

Kai: On second though, I'm just going to Sensei and convince him that I didn't do this. (Kai leaves)

(Hey everyone, welcome to my first 'official' gag reel. These are funny scenarios the ninja and maybe others get into at times, and it always ends with a laugh-from you guys! I might do another one if I feel like it.)

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