Harry Potter- Kiss Cam

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Today was the first match of the quidditch season, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. It was also the first match where they were going to introduce something new. They're called Kiss Cams, and they focus on the people with the most chemistry, and those people then have to kiss if they don't want a bludger to start targeting them. It's a new thing they're testing out based on what they do at muggle sports games.

"Hey (Y/L/N), heard about the kiss cam that's debuting at today's game? Hope you're ready for a nice big kiss on the field," Marcus Flint, your team captain, winked at you.

"In your dreams, Flint," you rolled your eyes and continued eating.

"Good luck today, Potter," you said as he, Ron, and Hermione walked past your table.

"Good luck to you too, (Y/L/N). You'll be needing it," he winked at you and went to his normal spot in the great hall.  You just blushed and quickly finished eating so you could go do warm-ups before the game.

Today is your first game as seeker for Slytherin, and you were pretty nervous about it. You've done pretty well in practices, but this is the first game, and it's against Gryffindor of all houses. You were in the tunnel and started doing some stretches, in the hopes it would help calm down your nerves. You started to stretch your hamstrings when you heard someone whistle at you.

"Warming up for our big kiss on the field (Y/L/N)? I've been warming up too," Marcus said to you as he popped in a piece of gum.

"I'm warming up for the game, Flint. No way in hell are we kissing on the field, or anywhere else for that matter. I'd rather let the bludger get me," you said to him, annoyed at his comments. You continued stretching.

"Are you nervous (Y/L/N)?" you heard someone say. You looked up and Harry potter was standing there in his robes and with his broom, ready to go onto the field.

"I'm a little nervous. This is my first game, and the fact that Flint is constantly just hitting on me instead of helping me, really doesn't help me," you said, awkwardly laughing at the end.

"Well,  I've seen you out there during practices. You may just give me a run for my money," he said, trying to help you loosen your nerves.

"Thanks, I needed that," you said, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. Which reminds you, you should pull your hair back soon.

Harry pulled you into a hug, and squeezed you tight. You've been acquaintances since the first year at Hogwarts, but didn't really get to talk much given what houses you were in.

"You'll be fine, I promise (Y/N)," he whispered in your ear before letting go of you. You could feel your cheeks burn as he walked away from you. You quickly pulled your hair back into a ponytail and grabbed your broom, ready to take the field. Harry was always very attractive to you, but you have always just pushed those feelings down, especially since there's been rumors lately about him liking someone. Though you didn't know who it was, you were sure it wasn't you.

Slytherin went onto the field first, you could hear most of the crowd booing. The school wasn't exactly fond of Slytherin, but it didn't seem to bother you guys. As soon as Gryffindor headed out, the crowd cheered way louder than you thought they possibly could. You looked to Harry and he winked at you when he caught you staring. This is the second time he's winked at you today, and you're pretty sure it's only two times he's ever winked at you. Before you started to overthink it, you decided he's just trying to distract you from the game.

Soon the game had begun, you were just trying to avoid getting hit by the bludgers, or the Weasley twins. You hovered over the game, dodging any trouble that came your way. Soon you could hear Lee Jordan making announcements about the kiss cam.

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