Draco Malfoy- Questioning

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"Watch where you're going, Mudblood," Draco Malfoy seethed at you when you bumped into him as you were turning a corner. You just rolled you're eyes and continued walking, biting your tongue from telling him that he was the one walking on the wrong side of the hallway.

Draco seemed to enjoy making your life hell whenever he could. You didn't really understand why. You kept to yourself, you were always fairly nice to people, and you weren't someone who was quick to judge others. Everyone was equally nice to you, except for him.

You headed to to the Great Hall to grab some dinner before it was time to do your prefect duties. Grabbing some chicken and mashed potatoes, you sat there and studied for an upcoming Potions quiz. Potions never really was your subject, after all.

"On your right you will see a sad little girl, studying for the easiest potions test we will ever have. All because her little mudblood brain can't remember that order does, in fact, matter when brewing Draught of Peace." Draco said as he walked by your table on his way to his usual spot in the Great Hall. Why is he even here? You had just run into him going the opposite direction in the corridors, what was he doing? You just shook your head and continued studying.

Soon, it was time to start your prefect duties, but you still couldn't remember the order of ingredients for tomorrows potion. While you headed up to meet up with the other prefect you brought up your potions book to try and memorize.

"Still having trouble Miss. (Y/N)? " Dumbledore said to you once you arrived to the corridor outside of his office.

"I keep forgetting the order of ingredients. I'm just trying to cram everything in before tomorrows quiz," you explained to him.

"Well then, it's a good thing that the other prefect seems to excel in potions," he said, "Oh look, here he comes," he said, gesturing to the boy walking around the corner.

"Why hello Mr. Draco. Now that you're both here, I will tell you the duties for tonight. As usual, you are to walk the corridors and note any suspicious activity, and make sure students are not where they shouldn't be. I will also be adding something new to your duties. After you walk the corridors a couple times, you two are actually going to study. I understand that Miss. (Y/N) is having trouble with a potion for tomorrow. I also understand that Mr. Draco is one of the top students in Potions. Therefore, one of your duties tonight, Mr. Draco, is to assist Miss. (Y/N) on her studies," Dumbledore told us.

You knew there would be no changing his mind so you just nodded my head and started heading down the corridor. Draco also realized arguing wouldn't work, so he just mumbled a thank you to the Headmaster and walked behind you.

It was a quiet, awkward walk around the corridors for a while. It wasn't until you spotted a couple students out of bed when something was even said.

"Hey Draco, there's a couple people out in that stairway, could you go say something?" You asked.

"Why, can't do it yourself? Too scared someone else will dislike you?" he retorted.

"Actually, it's because they're Slytherin and I figured they'd listen to a Slytherin prefect vs. a Hufflepuff prefect, but whatever, I'll do it myself," you stated. "Hey guys, it's after hours, please go ahead and head back to your common rooms."

They turned around and went to say something to me and then saw Draco standing behind me and decided against it. I wrote down their names to turn in to the Headmaster once we finished our prefect duties.

"How did you even end up being a prefect? You can barely handle telling a couple kids to go to bed," Draco said to you.

"Because I have good grades, I'm nice to people, and people respect me so they do what I say," you explained to him. He just huffed, not having anything to add to it.

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