Neville Longbottom-May I Have This Dance?

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"Hey buddy, you ready to study for this herbology test?" I asked as Neville finally entered the gryffindor common room. We were supposed to start studying about 30 minutes ago, but something came up and I guess he got busy.

"Yeah, I'm ready. I'm sorry, that took way longer than I had expected it to," he said as he sat next to me on the couch. I handed him his herbology book that I had been flipping though while I waited for him to get back. He always writes little notes in his textbooks and whenever we study he lets me flip through them. "Did anyone try to give you trouble for being in here?"

"Neville, we've been studying here for years. The last time someone tried to give me crap for being in here was in second year, when they didn't realize that people from other houses were allowed in all of the common rooms," I explained.

"Just wanted to make sure," He said quietly, flipping through the pages of his book.

"I think they're used to seeing a Hufflepuff in here by now," I laughed as I got out my notebook. He nodded in agreeance as we both silently read over our notes for a minute.

I rested my back against the armrest of the couch, stretching my legs out in front of me. Neville sat against the other armrest, flipping quickly through the pages. I watched as his eyes scanned over the pages, squinting as he tried to make sense of his scribbled notes in the margins.

Neville and I have been friends since second year. I did poorly on a few herbology tests and Professor Sprout asked Neville if he would help me study. Now we study for every test together. We also hang out without the need for a test to study for. He's honestly the best friend that I have here, despite the fact that we are in different houses.

"Do you have any questions?" Neville asked as he looked up from his book.

"Oh, no. I think this is finally a topic I somewhat understand." I said, looking over my notes from last class.

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. I thought you were waiting on me to finish reading to ask a question," he said, closing his book. He must've felt that I was staring at him and not my notebook.

"Well I don't have any questions on this test. I'm honestly shocked that we are even having a test right now. I didn't think we would have this many while the tournament was going on," I said.

"Yeah. I guess it's not too shocking though considering there's only one person competing from each school. Well, two from ours I guess." he said as he closed his book.

"Neville! Cordelia! Just the people we wanted to see." Fred Wealsey exclaimed as he ran down the stairs from his dorm room.

"What's up Fred?" I asked.

"You know a lot about herbology, right?" George asked as the twins stood behind the couch where Neville and I were seated.

"Neville's the herbology expert, not me," I answered.

"So Neville, if we used the leaves from this plant in a potion, what would that do?" Fred asked as he showed Neville a picture of a plant from his textbook.

"That's more of a potions question, and I think Snape has made it well known to all of Hogwarts that I don't know what I'm doing there," Neville said shyly.

"Cordelia, any ideas?" George asked as he kneeled next to me.

"Umm, lets see. I think it depends on what else you put in it, but I think that's just supposed to give it some flavor," I said as I looked at the strange plant.

"Ahh! Thank you love, you're a genius," Fred said as he kissed my head and ran back upstairs with George. I felt my face turning red and I curled up against the couch, not expecting the display of affection from the twins. Neville looked away, staring into the fireplace. The only sound in the room now was the crackling fire.
"So, are you excited to watch the next task?" I asked him, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over us.

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