Fred Weasley- The Little Pink Candy

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Waking up with a dagger to your neck is just as scary as you think. Waking up with the Weasley twins in your face is scarier. Sure enough, there they were at the edge of my bed, looming over me as I slept, or tried to.

"Woah guys, what are you doing?" I shouted, covering up with the blanket out of fear, even though I was wearing sweats and a large T-shirt.

"Calm down love, we just need you to test a product for us," Fred said, holding up a small, bubblegum pink candy,

"That's honestly less of a reason to calm down, and you know it," I said flopping back down into my pillow.

"Please?" George looked up with big puppy dog eyes.

"Why can't you have someone else try it?"

"We trust you the most to not hex us if a weird side effect happens."explained George.

"Do I have to try it right this second?"

"We could always come and wake you up earlier tomorrow," Fred said.

"Fine, give me whatever that is," I popped the little round candy into my mouth and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened.

"Oh yeah, it takes a couple hours to really set in," Fred yelled to as they left the room. Groaning in response, I laid back down on my bed and just hoped it didn't try to kill me in my sleep.


Awakening from my sleep, I had almost forgotten about the candy Fred and George gave me. Nothing felt weird to me. Has the candy set in yet, or did they make a mistake with this batch? Deciding to ignore the questions that popped up about this strange pink candy, I got dressed in jeans and a sweater and headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Once I sat down in the Great Hall, I was soon accompanied by the twins across from me. No words were said as we ate breakfast, but I could feel their eyes on me, checking to see how their product was working.

"How are you feeling?" George finally asked.

"Honestly, I don't feel any different. Maybe this batch is just a dud, but what is it supposed to do anyways?"

"We will figure something out, that one should have worked though," Fred looked to George, ignoring my question. They talked amongst themselves about how to fix this batch, leaving me to finish my breakfast in peace.

"I'm going to go work on some stuff, if you need me I'll be out in the courtyard." I told the boys as I got up to leave.

Sitting down in the courtyard, I grabbed my notebook and began going over my notes for potions. Whilst reading over them, I would get distracted and begin absentmindedly drawing in the margins of the paper. Soon the page was filled with random drawings and symbols, and I had only memorized half of what I needed memorized for the potions quiz on Monday.

"Hey Amanda, how's your studying coming along?" I turned around to find David behind me, coming to sit down on the bench next to me. David is in the same potions class as me, and we've talked a couple times, but we are nothing more than acquaintances.

"It's coming I guess, I keep getting distracted and drawing instead of studying though." Gesturing to my notebook, I showed David my little drawings that I had created, carefully putting my thumb over one drawing in particular that was a little embarrassing. He looked over my doodles and laughed a little, knowing I've always been easily distracted when trying to study for things.

"Well then," he looped an arm around my shoulder, "those are some beautiful drawings, but that's not what I came over here for,"

"What did you come over here for then?" I said, suddenly very uncomfortable due to his arm being wrapped around my shoulder.

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