7 - Hampton's

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A terrible weakness for a beautiful thing is the most dangerous weakness of all.

'The Hamptons?' Elena shrieked into the phone.

'You have to come. Please,' Bonnie begged, as Elena picked up a hint of her own nervousness through the phone. 'Caroline will never forgive me if I don't convince you. Plus, it's only for the weekend.'

'I don't know Bonnie,' Elena mumbled, walking restlessly around her empty, cold, apartment, her feet feeling freezing on the tile floors. 'I've got a shift at the bar on Saturday and - '

'That's the weakest excuse I've ever heard. You and I both know that Matt would cover for you in a second, and I also know that you hate working there.'

'Hey, I don't hate it,' Elena replied, a frown on her face. 'It's nice enough.'

'Whatever. This isn't about the bar. So what is this about, why won't you come?'

Elena paused for a moment and searched her mind for an acceptable answer, one that Bonnie wouldn't be able to see straight through. It had been almost two weeks since Damon and Elena had shared a fleeting moment of intimacy, and since then, they had little to no contact. Whatever they shared in that room had disappeared the moment they walked out of it, and hadn't returned since. They had seen each other at Caroline and Stefan's apartment a few days later, however, Damon had acted like he didn't see her at all, like she didn't exist. He was cold and distant, just like before. He didn't make any mention of the date he had promised her, of the good time they would have and how they could start again. It was all starting to seem like everything that happened in that room was just drunk rambling and drunk actions. He didn't care. Why would he?

It was then Elena realized that she had let her head wonder too far from safety, thinking the kiss meant something more, when clearly it didn't. And as she realized that, she also realized that she didn't want it to either. This was Damon Salvatore, and whilst she hardly knew him, she knew enough to know that he wasn't boyfriend material. He wasn't like Stefan, he didn't have a considerate bone in his body. In fact, it was strange to Elena to even think of them as brothers.

But of course she couldn't tell Bonnie about this. Or Caroline. Or anyone for that matter. Because no one knew about the kiss, and as far as Elena was concerned, no one needed to know about it. She hoped she could simply pass it off on a drunken act, and file it away in the back of her mind as just another regret. And there she hoped it would remain.

However, this also meant that she had no reason to say no to a trip to the Salvatore's holiday house in The Hamptons that Damon would surely be attending too. If Elena was trying to pretend like there had never been a kiss - which she was beginning to wish there hadn't - then she had to pass it off like there was nothing wrong, and nothing uncomfortable about spending a weekend in the same vicinity as Damon.

'Come on, Elena,' Bonnie moaned, after she had been silent for some time. 'This is a free holiday in The Hamptons, and I need you there. I don't think I could put up will all Carolines nagging if you don't come.'

'Okay fine,' Elena said, defeated, and could already picture the smile on Bonnie's face. 'I'll come.'

'Amazing. That's great. I'll pick you up in half an hour.'

'Excuse me?' She shrieked, jumping into action and grabbing a bag. 'Bonnie, I haven't even showered.'

'It's not my fault you sleep in till 1 o'clock.'

'I had a night shift at the bar last night! I didn't get home till 5am!'

'Not my problem,' Bonnie retorted, in true Bonnie style. 'Everyone else is already on their way down. Hurry your ass up. I'll be there at one-thirty.'

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