Chapter 32

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Kelly P.O.V.

Jayy walked off to the group and I followed shortly after. I had quickly stopped to tell Haley about my weird stomach feeling about Amanda. She simply nodded and walked inside as I ran up to Jayy. He quickly explained about his condition and who the girl was, I did notice he left out the kiss which is understandable but he also left out the argument. After he finished I walked over to Aussie and we continued our conversation from earlier. We were just talking about our favorite bands that are playing on warped tour and have previously played. He also shared a couple of tour stories/experiences and how the fans are at meet and greets. I was fascinated at hearing him go on and on about tour. Eventually he stopped and he asked me a very unexpected question.

"Was the Amanda girl the one Jayy was yelling at?"

I froze from shock. I did think he was yelling loud enough for the rooms next to Dahvie's to hear but I didn't exactly think anyone down the hall could hear him yell.

"Y-Yeah it was h-her, why?"

He smiled, got closer, and whispered.

"We also know she kissed Dahvie since he yelled it really loud"

I giggled and nodded.

I was shocked he could even yell that loud but he had the right to be angry"

I got worried that Haley or Amanda weren't coming out of the room and I had a bad feeling a really bad feeling. I should tell Aussie, maybe he can walk with me to see Dahvie when in reality we can check on Haley.

"Aussie do you want to see Dahvie with me I forgot to give him the flowers I brought him"

He nodded, I grabbed the flowers, and we walked towards the hospital room. This may sound stupid but I don't think he'll be in here much longer as long as my stomach feeling isn't correct and Amanda doesn't somehow hurt him. Aussie opened the door and I dropped my flowers as soon as we looked inside the room.

Amanda and Haley were fighting and I mean fighting. Haley was trying to push Amanda off of her while Amanda was trying to get a hold of Haley's throat. I was to much in shock to react but Aussie on the other hand managed to pull Amanda off of Haley. I finally reacted by grabbing the flowers and helping Haley up to her feet. I noticed Haley wasn't wearing her heals and her phone was on the floor with its screen cracked. I decided to speak up first since nobody else did, again.

____Quick A/N____

(Symbol before name is them talking)

¤ Kelly Eden

° Aussie

* Haley

^ Amanda

§ Dahvie

____End of A/N____

¤"What happened here?"

*"This bitch attacked me!"

Haley, with an angry expression, pointed at Amanda who's lip was bleeding.

^"I did not fucking attack you, you attacked me for no fucking reason"

Amanda was crying. I don't believe they're real tears but it looks like Aussie did.

°"Haley what the fuck!?! Why would you hurt her she obviously did nothing wrong. Jayy explained what happened to Dahvie and I don't remember him mentioning a young lady such as herself hurting him, only helping him"

Both Haley and me were shocked that Aussie believed her over Haley. I don't know why I wanted to rip her away from him so badly. He was comforting her for absolutely no reason they haven't even explained anything that happened here and Amanda was on top of Haley attempting to choke her! What is there to believe from Amanda!?!

Amanda continued to cry into Aussie's chest and held onto him, which again bothered me but I attempted to shrug it off as nothing. She can play damsel in distress all she wants I don't believe a word that comes out of that woman's speaking hole.

^"I-I heard a small n-noise from behind the curtains, I-I thought i-it was a doctor so I-I went t-to see what it was a-and I found h-her on the floor, w-with her shoes off, a-and she was trying t-to listen to mine a-and Dahvie's conversation f-for no reason"

I did not believe her as I did...

Wait Dahvie, he's been here the whole time he can tell us what happened. I walked up to him and saw he was asleep.I giggled because I'll admit he looked adorable and I decided he'll look like Jayy's princess. While the girls and Aussie where arguing I placed the flowers on his chest and carefully placed his hands over them like in Snow White when she was in the casket. I think that's the word...

§ "Will you all shut the fuck up I am in pain and trying to sleep!"

I was surprised that Dahvie woke up yelling and when he ended his little angry comment Haley and Aussie left the room while Amanda once again sat down on the chair she pushed Jayy off of earlier. She turned to face me and just glared.






§ "Kelly did you get me these beautiful flowers?"

I smiled and nodded at his words. I knew he'd like the flowers I just knew he would they practically screamed Dahvie.

^ "I can't believe a slut like you can easily figure out something is wrong. I bet you were mad at me crying on the guy you like so much"

I was beyond angry now. She hurt Dahvie, hurt Haley a little, and called me a slut! Who the... I don't like swear words as much as everyone but...

¤ "Who the FUCK do you think you are calling ME one of your kind. I now know it WAS you who caused Dahvie pain and sent him to a hospital so don't think you'll get away with whatever you have in mind and as for Aussie I don't see him as anything more than a friend!"

I heard a gasps and a oh so familiar voice call my name quietly but still audible. I didn't want to believe the foot steps and slammed door came from Aussie but I knew it was true when I saw the smirk on Amanda's face. I teared up and left the room, the hospital, and straight outside. I won't be returning soon until I know that witch is gone.

A Dahvie and Jayy fanfiction (JAHVIE)Where stories live. Discover now