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It was time for their date. Daron was sitting at the dog park and sipping on some coke from a can.
Serj had arrived at the park with his dog, and looked around for the other. When he saw his friend, he walked over to the bench and sat down.
"Hi there," Daron greeted the taller, and then looked at the dog, "hi, puppy!!"
The animal looked to be very happy to see Daron. It wagged it's tail and smiled, as dogs do, sticking out it's tongue while panting.
Serj already was a little jealous and held tightly onto the dog's leash so it wouldn't get too close to Daron. He wanted all the attention to himself.
"Hi," Serj replied, watching the smaller sitting there calmly and sipping his coke.
"Let's get up and go somewhere," Daron suggested and stood up, and threw his empty can away.
The older soon followed him, walking on a small path. The trees there almost hid the sky, but some beams of sunlight made it trough the leaves.
When they entered the little dimly lit alley, Daron began to feel a little nervous. It didn't help that a couple was walking a bit farther infront of them and holding hands, and sharing little kisses.
Serj noticed this and smiled softly, trying to let the other know that everything was okay. In one hand he held his dog's leash, and the other was slowly and gently reaching for Daron's hand.
The younger boy noticed it and moved a little closer, so Serj could take his hand and intertwine their fingers.
Both of their cheeks coloured and they looked away from one another. Their heartbeats got faster, and they held each other's hands tightly for some comfort.
"So, Daron... How are you doing today?" Serj spoke in his gentle voice. His gaze moved to his little friend, who looked quite nervous.
"I'm doing good... You know, I'm... Yeah," the smaller stuttered nervously, "how about you?"
"Well, I'm fine," the older replied. He soon let go of Daron's hand and moved his arm, so he could cuddle the smaller's shoulder to comfort him a little, "it's a beautiful day, isn't it? Do you like this kind of weather?" He asked.
"It's fine, but I like rainy days when I can stay home and look out the window and stuff," Daron replied.
"Hmm, yes, rainy days always make me want to play my piano," Serj commented.
"Yeah, they're pretty inspiring. I usually write poems in rainy days," the younger said.
"Oh, you write poems? I didn't think you were the writing type," the older spoke, "I'd love to read some one day..."
"No! They're all really shitty," Daron objected and giggled a little, embarrassed. Serj thought that the giggles were so adorable.
"Don't lie to me, I bet they're amazing," he said and paused a little.
" you."
"What?" The smaller asked, a little alarmed.
"I said that I bet your poems are amazing, just like you are," Serj explained. The sentence made Daron blush hard and hide his face with his hands, and giggle nervously.
"Aw, come on, Serj, I'm nothing special," he said and looked away shyly.
The taller sighed quietly. So Daron was like that- an amazing, little dude who, no matter how much others convinced him, wouldn't believe that he was special.
From that moment, Serj wanted to do anything, everything to make the smaller feel special, like he meant something. Because he did, he meant the world to the taller. He didn't know why, but he had gotten so attached to Daron. Serj had fallen in love.

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