Music, Love and Cigarettes. BVB love story. 1

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OK so before I start the story I would just like to say that I have been writing this story on Quizilla for a while now. My account name on there is sowatgirly so feel free to hit me up on there. Yeah.. So it's not copyright. TRUST me!! In fact for proof I'll even post a side note on my Quizilla version for all you non-believers!!:) FYI... I'm chnaging it to 3rd person because it sounds better.

Zander paced around her room waiting for a phone call, message, e-mail, something to tell her that they had gotten her letter. It had been at least a week without a response. All of a sudden there was a knock at her door. 'Z! Z! Open the damn door b*tch! I'm going to get old waiting for you!' I heard Sevanna- her best friend- giggle. 'OK, OK, I'm coming. Don't break my fu*king door down, Nana!' She replyed as she opened her locked door. Shw didn't know why she locked it... privacy perhaps? There she was, happy as ever, in her red and white sweater and purple skinny jeans. Her blonde hair in pigtails like it always was and a big, stupid smile on her face.

Suddenly she plowed into Zander's room and pushed her into a chair. 'What the fu-' She couldn't finish her sentence because Sevanna had cut her off. 'Guess what!!!' She screamed at her. 'What? No need to yell y'know!' Zander roared back. 'When you hear this you will know why I'm yelling so shut up! Anyway... the manager of Black Veil Brides called...' She was saying before Zander cut her off 'WHAT!?!? NO way! What did he say??? Are we touring or not??' This is when her smile slightly faultered 'Well...he didn't say that we were touring but he DID say he liked the sample track we sent and he's going to bring the boys down to see us perform properly and THEY can decide!' Zander screamed when she heard this. Black Veil Brides are coming to see Black Rose IN PERSON. 'Oh my god!!! Really???'d they call you? I put my number down...' She sighed dramatically 'No you put MY number down, dumba* they called ME' she face palmed herself. damn...I can be stupid sometimes. Zander throught.

** 1 hour later**

She stood in front of her band-mates and watched their stunned faces- all except for Sevanna who already knew- and smiled giddily. 'So let me get this straight. Black Veil Brides are coming to Dakota Ridge to see US all because of our demo?' Said Screech, dumbstruck. She sighed... sick of explaining it 'YES they ARE many times do I have to tell you?' Screech backed down for a bit. She realised how mean she had sounded so she went over to Screech and sat on his knee and hugged him "Sorry Screech... I didn't mean to sound like a b*tch but I'm a bit frustrated about deciding what we're going to play.'

Screech looked up at her and smiled. 'Aww it's ok babe I get it... you're excited about ANDY coming here and can't wait to screw him!' he said. She got up and tugged Screech with her. He immediately ran for the door but she tackled him and they started to wrestle. ' I-am-not-going-to-screw-Andy!' She said heatedly as they fought. By the end, she had him in a headlock and was choking him with her arm. 'O-K-O-K-I'M-S-S-SORRY-P-LEASE-LET-ME-GO!' He gasped and she let him go. As he got up she glared at him and he cowered down. They decided to go into the garage and practice.


They were halfway through Nemesis by Arch Enemy when Sevanna's phone rang...well as much as you can call someone yelling 'Answer the fu*king phone!!' ringing! 'Hello? Sevanna Verlewsk speaking...Who may I ask is calling at the present moment in time?' Sevanna asked in over-the-top-in-politeness. Her expression changed and she gave her phone to Zander.

'Hello? Zander Fawxx speaking' she said cautiously 'Is that your real name? Awesome!' she heard a deep male voice say. It was unmistakeable. That voice belonged to the one and only Andy Biersack. 'Uh is...but everyone calles me Z...So are you Andy Biersack?' she asked. 'Sure am! Now back to your's your last name spelt? I must know!' He replied and Zander giggled 'umm...F.a.w.x.x' she said between giggles. 'Niiice! Now listen...we are thinking of coming down on Friday and staying...i dunno...a week? Hey Ash...we're staying about a week right?' Andy asked his bassist Ashley Purdy.

'Uhh yeah about that...jesus I can't wait to hear these fu*king kids...I heard the demo and the sh*t they sung was fu*king amazing...imagine what they'd be like when we hear them live!' Zander heard Ash's excited she thought . 'yeah I know! Ok sorry for that we're going to be there roung mid-day on Friday...You all cool with that?' Andy asked 'Hell fu*king yeah man! We can't wait to meet you guys!' she said excitedly.'Yeah...likewise! Well we have a show in an hour and I've got to get ready haha Ash has already started his makeup! Bye... See you on Friday Z!' Andy buzzed before he hung up.

Zander jumped up and fist-pumped in the air 'Fu*k yeah b*tches!!! We're fu*king meeting Black Veil Brides on Friday and they're staying a whole god-damn week!!!' she shouted when she landed back on the ground with a *Thump*. Everyone started to cheer and whoop when she said that. 'Group hug motherfu*kers!!' Screech yelled and they all piled on top of him and yelled in delight. Finally, after 4 years, they were going to get an oppertunity to get thier music out to everyone! Zander started to cry. She cried harder and harder. 'Z...You ok?' Finn asked 'I'm fine Finn. In fact I'm perfect! We are finally going to get our music out there guys. After all our hard work we are going to be recognised. I'm just so happy..I need a cigarette...' She said between sobs and  walked outside and lit up a cigarette.

She took a long drag from it and inhaled and exhaled. She'd needed that badly. Sevanna walked out of the garage and sat down on the stairs with her. She had been crying as well but not as heavily as Zander had. 'So we've done it hey, Z... We are going to travel with Black Veil Brides and Asking we've always wanted.' she sighed whistfully. Zander stubbed out her smoke and rested her head on Sevanna's shoulder. All of a sudden it hit her. They WERE going to tour with them. Thier two favourite bands in the entire world!

She jumped up and yelled at the top of her lungs 'YOU HERE THAT? BLACK ROSE IS GOING TO TOUR WITH BLACK VEIL BRIDES AND ASKING ALEXANDRIA!!! FU*K YEAH!!!'. Dane was holding Sevanna around the waist and was beaming at Zander when she'd turned around. 'Fu*k! We are too aren't we!' He said extaticly. Finn came out looking very pleased with himself. 'Guess what! I just got that Bass line for Enter Sandman down packed! We're all fu*king set for this performance!!' He yelled and Zander ran up and hugged him tightly only to feel, for the first time, his arms wrap around her small frame. Finn was changing- for the better.

At that moment she saw her Mom driving into the driveway in the old Merceedes and her Dad driving onto the curb in a van? Wait...that van has Black Rose printed on the side...They got us a Band-van!  Zander thought. She screeched really loudly when she saw this and ran and gave her Dad a big hug when he got out of the van. 'Oh thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!!! I love you so much!!!' she squeeled in his ear and ran over to her Mom and did the same. After saying her thank you's, she ran to the van and marveled in its beaten up beauty. No sooner was the rest of the band over with her and freaking out.

'This makes our day so much better! God I love your parents Z!' Yelled Screech. 'I know! Me too!! AAAH!' she yelled back. 'Hold up...What's the first good news?' Her Mom and Dad asked simultaniously. 'Black Veil Brides are coming here on Friday to see us live and staying the ENTIRE week!' Nana and Zander squeeled together. 'WOW! Really? That's great honey!' her Mom cooed and walked into the house. 'hmm...ok but no sex...and they have to find their own place...and no drugs either!' her Dad said sternly. Zander groaned...' eew Dad...don't say that! And I won't I...WE promise...Right guys!' she said the last part encouragingly. The rest of the band studdered there yesses unsurely and Zander's Dad, obviously satisfied with the answer, strutted inside.

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