Music, Love and Cigarettes. BVB love story. 3

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Please be advised that this chapter tends to get quite... raunchy.

When she woke up the next day, Zander felt extremely upset. I wished they'd woken me up so I could spend more time with them. Ashley was being really nice by letting me sleep though. She thought. She sat up and stretched, her arms rising above her head and her back craning. She got out her 'Motionless In White' Tank Top, her leather jacket, her black skinnys and her Wellesley Women's Vans. She stepped out of her black low-rise jeans and underpands and peeled off her Blood On The Dance Floor tank top and her bra and went into her en-suite bathroom to have a shower, bringing her chosen clothing with her.

******after the shower******

When she was out and dressed, she went down stairs and got some apple juice from the fridge. Mom and Dad weren't home so she had the house to herself. She was sipping from her apple juice when she noticed two tall figures in the darkest corner of the lounge room. Seeing as all the blinds were shut and no lights were on, she could not see them. She grabbed the closest thing she could, which happened to be a lone Banana, and slowly made her way towards them. She was about a foot away from them and was about to attack when one of them spoke 'Z...put the banana down and step away from the potassium!' It was a man with a very familiar voice.

She did as he said and the other man laughed lightly. She knew that laugh... 'Andy? Ash?' she asked timidly ' figured it out did you?' Andy asked with a slightly visible smile as he and Ashley pulled her into a hug. She snuggled into both of them and hugged them back as best she could. She felt a hand sneak it's way down her back and rest just above where her pants started. She pulled out of the hug and looked them over. Andy had a black dress shirt on with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and a majority of the buttons undone. He was also wearing faded black skinny jeans and plain black converses. Ashley was wearing a long sleeved black v-neck shirt, Darkish navy jeans and black dress-shoes. They both had a bit of eye liner on and a fair few necklaces. Zander played around with one of her own necklaces and kept looking at the two men in front of her.

'How'd you get in?' She asked 'Your Mom gave us a key...she's very relaxed about having us around... how was she to know what we would do?' Andy said whilst holding up a key. 'Yeah...for all you knew we could have come in and kidnapped you or something' Ashley added, smirking. They both looked at each other and smiled deviously. The next thing she knew, she was being hauled up to her room by the both of them and was lying on her bed with Andy on top of her and her head in Ashley's lap. 'What are you doing?' She asked cautiously 'Oh...nothing' Andy said casually whilst putting his hands on her stomach. Ashley started running his hands down her neck and swooping away from her breasts and holding her shoulders instead. She couldn't speak, couldn't think and sure as hell didn't care.

Andy began to move his hands down her sides and onto her hips. She slid his fingers under the waist of her pants and began to move them along her waist. Meanwhile, Ashley had moved his hands to the bottom of her tank top and began to lift it up until her whole belly was showing. She finally managed to speak 'Guys...please...don't' They both stopped their actions immediately. 'Err...sorry, Z' They both muttered. 'It's OK...It's just I don't think I'm ready...I want it...just not now.' She replyed softly. Andy got off her and allowed her to sit up. Ashley moved over and Zander sat beside him. Andy sat on the other side of her and they began to talk.

'So...why did you guys...y' that?' she asked carefully 'Well...we decided that you seemed a bit, well, lonely and we wanted to...cheer you up.' Andy said with his trade-mark smirk. Well they were very right. She had never had a boyfriend and she didn't know why. ' you thought you'd try and cheer me up by trying to sex me up?' She laughed. They both looked at each other 'pretty much yeah' Ashley said and leaned over and bit my neck. She moaned. They both started to bite her neck and she moaned louder, mostly for theatrics. All of a sudden the door flew open and there stood her Dad, angry and red-faced.

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