Part 41: Curiosity killed the cat

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Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. This story is purely for entertainment purposes, no money is being made from it.


wo days passed since that night.

Even if the question about Snape's family nagged him, he didn't press the matter, trying to figure out the best approach to ask Severus about them.

Snape was in the class and he was just reading a book waiting to continue the game of chess from last night. Trying not to think about the argument, they had about Sirius. With Snape some topics were like stepping on a minefield, his explosive temper did aid to it. Sirius was still at large and he hoped that Snape would not manage to find him first. However, in all honesty, life did back to what it was before.

We argued, and I did not attack him, that is a progress.

He almost congratulates himself. Not wanting to think about the moment when Snape had to use the link for the first time, an unpleasant feeling of instantly freezing in motion. Remus still had a hard time understanding why Severus could not forgive Sirius if he could overcome his hostility towards him.

Snape turned out late, grumbly and moody.

"We can finish our game tonight" he offered

"Later, I have to look at the potions." snapped Snape at him

"May I ask you something?"

"What? If it is..."

"No." He cut Snape's sentence."Why are you making so much Wolfsbane?"

"I make as much as I need to..."

"You are making a batch for me, and at least three more batches of plain one. Why?"

"Mind your own business Lupin." Snarled Severus at him.

"Do you sell it?"

"That is not of your concern."

"Maybe I want to know if you are available if I need it later in life." He replied quickly.

"You could not afford my rates." Hissed Snape.

"Most of us can't." He replied, listening to fastening heartbeats. "Liar. I live here long enough to know, no money ever changed hands."

"And..." Snape finally turned to him and raised one brow.

"I'm just wondering, are you that rich, to give away Wolfsbane? Ingredients alone cost a fortune, not to mention the work."

"Why are you so convinced that I am the one who pays for ingredients, or that I am not compensated for my time and skill?"

"I am sure that you are not. So, are you that rich?"

"I am better off than you are." Taunted Snape.

"Albus told me not to cross your family." He decided to take a new approach.

"Albus talks too much." Growled Snape.

"I want to know about your family."

"That is a private matter. Stop prowling, Lupin." Hissed Snape

"That is something a friend would know."

"And when did we became friends, Lupin? When you hit me, or when you broke my ribs?"

"I...I..." He stuttered, Snape was right, even Dobby was angry at him "I am truly sorry, Severus."

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