Chapter 7

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April, Casey and Mr. Murakami talked until finally it was getting late. April left and Murakami began to clean the shop. Casey walked up the stairs, telling Mr. Murakami that he was going to see how Dan was doing.

When Casey knocked on the door Dan was quick to open it. He leaned against the wall while Dan sat back down on the bed. But neither one said anything for some time.

"What would you like to know?"

"What?" Casey said, having been absorbed in his own thoughts.

"What would you like to know?" Dan repeated. He looked up at Casey, straight into his eyes.

"First off, what the heck was that? What happened to you?"

Dan thought before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "I guess by the understanding what happens around here, I'm a half mutant."

"How does that work? And why can you change into a wolf, can you even control it? Or does it happen at radium?"

"Most the time I'm able to control it, my transformation, but because of - wait, has April or the turtles told you what happened over the weekend?"


"Yeah, your giant mutant turtle friends."

"How do you know them?!"

"I haven't really talked to them, but I've definitely bumped into them a couple of times."

"They've told you about running into a big wolf didn't they?"

"Yeah, they warned us that the wolf could be dangerous."

"Well, now that you've met him, what do you think? Is he dangerous?"

"As long as he doesn't go nuts." Casey joked.

"Believe me, I have no intention to." Dan responded with a slight laugh. "So have they told you yet? What happened over the weekend?"

"A little. They said that April had been meeting up with someone called Oskari."

"Yeah, that's what April decided to call me."

"Does she know?"

"No. She doesn't. Anyway, going back to your first questions, I can control it most the time, but when the Krang that attacked us, they shot me in the arm with something." Dan held his left arm where he had been shot. "Whatever it was, it's been affecting me for days, slowly forcing me to transform. Why I can do it in the first place, well, ... I guess it's because of what I am, where I'm from."

"Where are you from? And what was that language from before?"


"The language that you were speaking when Mr. Murakami and I took you in side." Then Casey tried pronouncing the first word Dan had said. Dan realized which one it was and said it in it's correct pronunciation.

"Yeah that." Casey said.

"That is part of the language of my home land. The land where I was born."

"Where's that?" 

"..." Dan stayed quiet for a minute. "I uh... You'll probably think I'm crazy"

"Try me."

"I'm uh, I'm from another world, separate from this one..."

Casey stared at Dan. He thought he was joking, even though he was smiling, his face was serious.

"Where I'm from, there is such a thing as magic. Me and most of my family can use at least a little magic, even if it's a small spell that won't take much energy to cast. Something I can or could do was turn into different animals, one of the ones I used the most, was a wolf. My guess that when me and my family were sent here, the dimension wanted to make it so that we could fit in and be a natural part of this world and it's ways. Hence me being a half mutant." Dan covered half his face with the palm of one of his hands with a embarrassed look. "You probably think I'm insane ..."

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