Chapter Twelve - Do You Understand?

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Hey hey. So, I'm writing this before Friday, because that makes more sense than writing it on Friday incase I don't finish it before I get on the plane like I said in the authors notes in the last chapter. Oh, and do you guys like the new cover?

Alright, lets get writing. c:


Trisha's POV


"Trisha, are you alright? Trisha? Where are you?" I heard Jacob say through the phone.

I looked at Evan, and Evan looked back at me, our lips both parted and our eyes wide. We looked back at the windscreen at exactly the same time, our breathing heavy. Infront of us was a crashed car, which we barely missed. I rubbed my neck where the seatbelt had caused a friction burn when Evan had pressed down on the brakes, hard. For a moment, I couldn't hear Jacob's shouting down the phone. My hearing seemed to recover when I heard a females voice asking what was wrong. The voice was far too familiar.

"Evan.." I whispered, as I put the phone on loud speaker so he too could hear the voice. We both stayed silent, not wanting Jacob to know that Evan was here.

We looked at each other, both excitement and anger running through us. Excitement as we'd found Lola. Jacob had been stupid enough to tell us his address. Anger because it was true, Jacob had taken Lola. My brother had taken my best friend.

I took the phone off loud speaker and pressed it to my ear "Jacob, I'm okay, calm down."

"Are you sure? I heard the brakes slam down pretty hard. Wait, are you driving? Why are you on the phone? Trisha!" He yelled angrily, causing my to pull the phone away from my ear slightly.

"No, I'm not driving, Jacob. A car just crashed in front of us and we had to brake pretty hard to miss it." I said, the shock starting to kick in, my hands shaking slightly.

"What do you mean 'us'? Who're you with?"

"I'm with Mike." I lied, glancing over at Evan.

"Oh, alright. Are you sure you're okay though?"

"Yeah, we're gonna stay here though. We'll probably be needed for witness statements and we'll probably have to be taken into hospital or something for a checkover. We're okay though, so don't worry." Great, another day we wont be able to go and get Lola back. Lola. I heard a scream, Lola screaming.


Lola's POV


Jacob had pressed me against the wall, has arm across my shoulders but pressing against my neck, causing my breaths to shorten.

"Listen here, Trisha is going to come round in a few days. You need to stay out of sight and stay silent, do you understand?" He hissed as he slid his phone into his back pocket, having said goodbye and ended the phone call to Trisha.

I stayed still and silent, glaring up at his as I clawed at his arm. I felt two strong hands on my arms that weren't Jacob's. I looked each side of me, Travis on one side, Mason on the other, both pinning my arms against the wall. I looked back at Jacob, but not by will. His free hand was gripping my face, forcing me to look up at him.

"I said, do you understand?" He snarled, his face only an inch from mine. I nodded as much as I could, his hand restricting my movements.


Chapter Eleven was the boys POV, Chapter Twelve the girls. c: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and the new cover. I made the cover and found the picture on WeHeartIt, then just editted it in Paint.NET. ^u^

The next few Chapters will only be uploaded if I have internet access on holiday, which hopefully, I will. I've no idea how many more chapters this will have, but I do have a few ideas for the last few chapters which I may use, I may not, and then I might make a sequeal, depending on how many ideas I get after the last chapter.

This chapter isn't very long because I'm going on holiday, as you guys may know. I'm currently in the lounge at the airport and my moms like 'Put your phone away pls. Thanks.' So yeah, if. I have wifi at the hotel in Turkey I'll update, but if not, I'll see you guys in a week. •v•

And as you can tell, I had no idea what to call this chapter.


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