Chapter Fourteen - Almost Out

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Hey guys, so the main reason that this chapter is extremely late is because I wrote pretty much all of it, and then went back on in the next day to finish and upload it and it was all gone. I've also been going back through the previous chapters and improving all of them. Grammar, spelling, etc.

I'm so sorry for slow updates guys. I'm trying to sort that out but I haven't really got any inspiration for this book at the moment, but I'm still going to finish it, the updates just may be a few more days apart than usual.

And we have 230+ reads! Thank you guys. <33


Evan's POV


I looked up at the house as Trisha pulled up. I let out a deep breath, before I glanced over at Trisha.

"Ready?" She asked and I nodded before we both climbed out of the car.

I knocked heavily on the door, took a step back and waited. We were both surprised when a heavily built man opened the door, looking down at both of us.

"Can I help you?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, um. My brother Jacob invited us round?" Trisha spoke up, probably just as confused as I was as to why this man had opened the door.

"Alright, he said you were coming tomorrow, but come in." He said, giving her a small smile before looking up at me. "And you are?"

I parted my lips to speak but was interrupted when Trisha spoke up "Mike, my boyfriend." She looked back and me and nodded, and I gave her a smile before looking up at him.

"What she said." I said, now only realising how tall he actually was. At least half a foot taller than myself.

He invited us both in and addressed himself as Travis. He took us to the living room and then walked out, presumably going to find Jacob. I say with my hands in my lap, hundreds of thoughts and ideas of how close we were to Lola. Was she okay? Were we going to get her out of this hell hole?

I noticed Trisha's eyes on me, and I knew she could tell I was worrying, and what about. No doubt Travis would come back with Jacob, and Jacob knew that I wasn't Mike, and only God knows what Travis would do when he found out we'd lied about my identity. I sighed and looked up, my eyes widening slightly as I saw another tall and heavily build male stood in the doorway. He looked too familiar to Travis as he stood there, their face shape the same and the same crooked nose. He was slightly more built than Travis, but not quite as tall.

"Are you Trisha and Mike?" He asked quietly, glancing out of the room before focusing his attention back to us.

We both nodded and he motioned for us to follow, but then held his finger to his lips, signalling for us to stay quiet. Trisha and I both glanced over at each other as we followed the new guy up the stairs. Who knew where he was taking us. Could we even trust him?

He lead us to a room at the far end of the upstairs hall, his hand staying on the doorknob. He looked as us before he spoke quietly.

"You need to stay as quiet as you can. Do you understand me?" He whispered. "Don't worry. You can trust me, I hope. I'm Mason." He said before slowly and quietly opened the door to reveal a luxurious room and.. No way. Lola.

I slowly walked in, unsure if I was seeing her correctly. Physically, she didn't seem all that hurt, but just the curled up position she was in, I could tell that she was both mentally and emotionally hurt.

"Lola." I whispered as I reached the side of the bed, crouching down next to the bed so all she'd have to do was open her eyes to see me.

"G-go away Jacob.." She sobbed, hugging her knees closer to her chest, keeping her eyes shut tight.

"Lola please.." I said quietly, a whole lot of emotions running through me at the same time, it was overwhelming. "Lola, it's not Jacob. I'm Evan." My voice trailed off slowly and I tucked a fallen piece of hair behind her ear.

"Don't. You've tried that one before." She said, her voice shaky and barely audible.

I looked over at Trisha and Mason, who both looked as worried as I felt. Trisha slowly walked over to Lola and crouched down and I stood up, looking over at Mason as he walked closer.

"Give me your phone." He whispered and looked at him, confused. He nodded and I slowly slid my phone from my pocket and placed him in his open hand. "Just concentrate on trying to get her to know its you." He said before dialling a three digit number as I crouched back down next to Trisha.


Lola's POV


He was messing with me. It was Jacob, not Evan. I didn't want to open my eyes, I just wanted to stay in the fantasy world that I'd created in my head. It was like my life was before all of this happened. Before I'd met Jacob. Evan might have come looking for me, and even if he'd have found Jacob's house, he'd never have gotten in. I just wanted to be free again. To be in Evan's arms again, hell, I'd love to be in Trisha's arms. I just wanted my old life back. I wanted them to rescue me. I wanted to be safe with them again. Had my mother even noticed I was gone? How long had I been gone?


Trisha's POV


No matter how much even tried, it was no use. It was heartbreaking to see his face every time she refused to open her eyes.

"Lola please." He cried quietly, resting his forehead on the edge of the mattress in front of him.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and pulled him away slightly. "Let me try." I whispered quietly.

We switched placed and I let out a shaky breath and Evan stayed extremely close to the bed. Just those three words that I'd spoken to Evan had made Lola become a little more assured that this wasn't Jacob playing a trick on her.

"Lola?" I whispered, linking my pinkie finger with hers. It was something we'd always done when the other was scared. It was our way of saying that we'd always be there for each other. That we'd protect each other always. It was something that we hadn't told anyone but each other. It was the only way I could reassure her that it was me.

A very small smile appeared on my lips when her eyes cracked open slowly.

"Trisha?" She whispered as she slowly opened her eyes, her finger wrapping around mine slightly tighter.

"Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, it's just me and Evan. Mason is at the doorway. Open your eyes, Lola, you're safe with us." I said quietly, trying to sound a lot more confident than I was.

"We won't let anything happen to you." Evan added, gently placing his hand on hers.

She looked up at us, a smile on her face. It was a slightly fearful smile, but nevertheless, a smile.

The sound of sirens faded into my hearing and I looked back at Mason, who nodded with a smile.

'Thank you' I mouthed, before turning back to Lola, who was not was up straight, her eye wide as she looked over at the door way. She was looking past Mason, she was looking at..

"Jacob." I whispered.


Ah, sorry it's so late, again. ^^

This story is coming to a close and there'll be one, probably two more chapters. But don't worry, I have my short stories book coming out soon, and I've already got my next book planned. So planned, that I've already made the cover and written the Prologue all in the same night as rewriting this chapter. :D

I'm not going to give much away, but the new book isn't a sequel to All Eyes On Me (although, I have thought about a sequel, if you guys want one) and is a Romance genre. I'll upload the Prologue just after this chapter has uploaded so you guys can get a feel of what it's going to be about, but it is going to be the stereotypical book on what it's about. *shrugs*

Again, I'm so, so sorry for the extremely late chapter, and sorry that it's not too long. I've kind of been having writers block with this one, but so many ideas for my new book, which by the way, is called "It's Complicated..".


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