Chapter Five - Man In Black

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Guys, I'm so sorry for the extremely late update! It's exam season here and I've had two/eleven exams so far. I think they've gone pretty well and hopefully the next nine will too.

I really hope you enjoy the chapter!


I woke up at six a.m. I sighed as I rolled over on my bed, burying my face into the pillow. It was Wednesday, another day of school. Yay.

Deciding I wouldn't get back to sleep, I climbed out of bed, pulling the blanket up over the bed, not bothering to make it perfect. I ran my hand through my hair as I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower before looking back at my reflection in the mirror. I sighed, shaking all negative thoughts out of my head before stripping off and stepping into the shower.

Once washed and dried, I put on a pair of skinny maroon jeans, a white blouse with sheer long sleeves and tied my hair up into a simple bun. I applied simple makeup and slipped a pair of black flats onto my feet. Picking up my phone, wallet, keys and school bag on the way, I walked down stairs. I put my bag at the bottom of the stairs, my phone in my pocket and my wallet and keys on the table in the hallway. I wondered into the kitchen, making sure to be quiet in case my parents were still asleep.

I opened the cupboard door, smiling as I found an English Muffin and a bottle of golden syrup. Disposing these on the counter, I made my way over to the fridge, taking out a pot of natural yogurt and some fresh berries. I put these two in a bowl together and lightly toasted the muffin, smearing the syrup onto it.

After enjoy my early breakfast in peace, I was loading the dishwasher I felt a vibration in my back pocket. Standing up, I pulled my phone out and looked at the screen. Unknown Number. I unlocked my phone and read the new message, my lips parting in shock before I looked around, my eyes first darting to the large window in the kitchen which lead to the garden. Nothing. I quickly dialed Evan's number and held the phone to my ear, my eyes still darting around the garden as he picked up.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I heard him say, his voice husky and quiet.

"C-can you come round, quickly?" I stuttered, my eyes catching a glimpse of a black dressed figure jump over the fence and into my garden.

"Lola, why? What's wrong?" He asked, although I was too focused on the person who was slowly walking closer to hear him. "Lola?" His voice was getting panicked as I heard him moving in his room, presumably getting dressed.

"Please Evan, hurry.." I whispered, slowly backing out of the kitchen, keeping my eyes on the glass window.

I didn't recognise the man, and it certainly wasn't Jacob. I was running up the stairs, my phone in my hand as I made my way to my parents room. My parents aren't in. I stopped in my tracks, at the top of the stairs as I heard I light knock at the kitchen window, then a muffled, evil laugh.

I stayed silent, quietly moving around the corner, where I couldn't be seen at the stairs. I cursed mentally when I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, causing my to look down to see two messages, one from Evan and one from the unknown number.

Evan; I'm here. Where are you?

Unknown; You can't hide forever, sweetheart.

I chose to reply to Evan first, telling him to use his key and to be as quiet as he can. I didn't tell him where I was, I'd get to that when he got inside. I chose to ignore 'Unknown's message and stayed in my hiding place, slowly sliding down the wall and curling up as small as I could. I heard the front door open, hoping it was Evan.

"Lo'?" I heard Evan whisper, so I slowly turned my head around the wall, hoping he could see me. Luckily, he did and ran upstairs, wrapping his arms around me as soon as he reached me.

We were disrupted by a loud bang, which sounded like the front door being slammed shut. I wanted to tell myself it was the wind, but 1) it was sunny today and 2) the wind wouldn't be able to pull the door.

I quickly pulled Evan out of sight, wincing slightly at his firm grip around my shoulders. I shivered slightly as I heard footsteps on the stairs, getting closer as I cowered back against the wall.

I was looking straight ahead, now able to see the strangers legs in front of me. I glanced up at him, hearing his heavy breathing. Evan stayed still, but I could feel his hands balling up into fists at my side. The man stayed still in front of us as if he could sense our presence at his feet. He was empty handed, but I could tell he was strong due to the muscle shape I made out through his thin black hoodie.

I closed my eyes, hiding my face in Evan's shoulder as I saw the unknown mans head move, a chuckle in his breaths as he looked down at us. When I looked up at him, his eyes were fixated on mine.

"Jacob was right, you are a pretty one." He smiled down at me, his crooked teeth showing. Before I could process what was happening, Evan was standing up, repeatedly punching the man in front of us. I stood up, my back against the wall, as if I was now paralyzed as I watched the two men fight before me.

All I did was blink, and the whole scene had changed before me. The all in black man had Evan pinned to the floor, both of their lips split and Evan's nose bloody and broken. I gasped, trying to pull the man from my boyfriends body. He chuckled, his forearm on Evan's neck and his body not moving anywhere no matter how hard I tried.

"It's no use, sweetheart. Your stupid boyfriend shouldn't have moved." He winked at me, glancing back at Evan as he spoke.

"Yeah, and let you take Lola?" Evan snarled, only to be pushed harder to the ground, the forearm on his neck holding a stronger force, causing Evan's breathing to struggle.

"Shut it, Prince Charming." He spat, his hold on Evan staying the same as he looked back at me. "Lola, that's a pretty name for a very pretty girl."

Evan struggled under his grip, trying to retaliate at his slimy compliments. I stood there, still as I watched my boyfriend, knowing there was nothing I could do other than talk the unknown man away from him.

"Please, get off him.." I asked, my voice quiet and trembling.

"Sure, but it would come at a price." He replied, turning to my with a smirk on his face.

I sighed, knowing what was coming. "What do you want?" I questioned, my voice a little more confident.

"I don't want anything, but Jacob does, and I think you know exactly what he wants."

I glanced at Evan, his eyes telling me not to do it, but I could also see him struggling. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked back at the man who entered my house without an invitation.

"Will you let him go?" I asked, my voice breaking as I felt my eyes start to water. All I got was a nod, and him standing up but his hand gripping Evan's collar, as Evan stood up. I could tell his breathing was heavy by the rise and fall of his chest as I looked at me.

"Please, Lola. Don't do this." Evan pleaded his eyes not leaving mine as he spoke.

"Could I have some time with my boyfriend please. Alone?" I asked, turning to the intruder who's grip tightened on Evan's shirt. He bought out two syringes and stabbed one into Evan's arm without care, causing my lips to part in horror as I watched him fall to the floor. Next thing I knew, I was too falling to the floor, a sting in my arm as I blacked out, hearing the deep chuckle escape the lips of the man in black.


Did you like it? I hope so! I wrote this in my free periods at school and whenever I wasn't revising. A very eventful chapter, if I do say so myself.

And guys! Thank you for the 30+ reads! I didn't think anyone would read, but I'm trying my best to keep it good.

I only have 6 full school days left, then I have a week off. I then have to go back to school for my exams and the lessons I have exams for, so hopefully the chapters will be a lot more frequent.

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