Chapter 13

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The last few days of break passed without any more incidents, mainly because Akashi and I were never alone together again. Uncle had come back and spent some time with us, apologising for the deception and every night after dinner he would tell me about my parents. I would curl up under a blanket on the couch and listen to him until I dozed off and someone would carry me up to bed. I didn't ask who did it because I was afraid the answer would be Akashi. I couldn't meet his gaze and when we talked it was only of innocent things. Nothing of what had happened between us. I was mortified by the way I had reacted to his touches and it hadn't slipped my mind that we hadn't put a label on whatever it was that we were doing. I had realised while I had been thinking about my past and my relationship with him that he had never once said he liked or loved me. He called me his, called me beautiful and lovely but never anything about what he felt for me. I was so confused but I had no one to talk to about it. Kagami was away on a training camp with his basketball team so I didn't want to ring him and bother him or risk Akashi or his team over hearing our conversation. 

So the days continued with me actively going out of my way not to be alone with him. He didn't seem to notice what I was doing because he was busy with his work. Now that I knew what he was I had lost all desire to know where he went or what he and his father talked about. I had no interest in that life, no matter that was the world me mother had been born into. I occasionally had nightmares about Akashi killing that man and sometimes in my dreams he would turn the gun on me or Kagami. I knew that he had saved me, that the man he had killed had beaten me and would probably have done worse had Akashi not found and saved me but it was still murder and I couldn't shake the fear that it made me feel. 

Before too long it was time to return to school. The morning was uneventful, I got up to my alarm and joined Akashi down stairs for breakfast. Everything was going the same as any other school day until we headed to the car and I saw Aomine sitting in there waiting for us.

"Aomine, when did you get here?"

"Some ungodly hour. I hate getting up early for school. Can't you be tardy for once in your life Akashi?"

"No, it doesn't do good for my image."

Aomine stuck his tongue out at the red head as we climbed in beside him. 

"So, why are you really here?"

I felt Midorima's eyes on us from the front seat and I saw the two beside me exchange a glance.

"I told him you would pick up on it. We don't who Hanamiya might have told about your true parentage. So we are upping your protection. I will arrive and leave school with you and I will stay nearby at breaks."

"That's a bit much don't you think? The school has it's own security it would be pretty hard for someone to get in and then find themselves to me. Besides, it's a smorgasbord of rich people, I would be the last person targeted."

"Is that what you thought when you stupidly left on your own and got kidnapped?"

I bit my lip as Akashi spoke up and stared at me, his eyes hard. I remembered my punishment and flushed, quickly looking away.

"I don't need to be watched like a child. I am safe in the school. Give me some space."

"You are being targeted. Get that through your thick head Tetsuya."

"Hey, that's a bit harsh Akashi."

Aomine looked a little uncomfortable as he looked at the red head who had turned away from us and I looked out the window, blinking away angry tears. 

"He needs to wake up and get used to this world we live in. He is a young heir to a powerful family and is being hunted."

"And whose fault is that? This isn't my world, this isn't my home and you aren't my family! If you had just left me be I wouldn't be in this predicament!"

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