Chapter 53

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Akashi's Pov

I heard an explosion and watched in satisfaction as one of the cars in the yard burst into a ball of flame. We had discussed that no one got away, I would not risk Nash or Hanamiya taking Kuroko and fleeing. They would die here tonight for what they had put the two of us through. I touched the key hanging underneath my shirt and closed my eyes briefly before moving forward, gun up and eyes deadly. 

Aomine's men were just like him. They laughed, cartwheeled and ran around like a pack of crazy animals but it was a pack that worked together. Where they moved men died and explosions echoed in the night. They weren't my best group for nothing, he had trained them well. In the corner of my eye I watched Midorima take aim with with his gun and far away I saw a man fall off the top of the house. On my other side Mayuzumi was a deadly storm. There was no flashy moves from him but where he raised his gun men fell silently, instantly killed by one shot. 

We had taken no time in getting here and rather than fighting at the gate we had simply blown entrances though the fence and swarmed inside from two directions. 

They had wanted a fight and we were glad to oblige. 

Hanamiya's men fell easily, no match for our superior fire power. Nash's men on the other hand were smarter and more prepared for battle. A small group of them used some cars as cover and inflicted some losses and injuries to my side. I crouched beside the burned husk of a car and simple called for Aomine calmly. He appeared at my side, an RPG hefted on his shoulder. His men dived out and supplied him with some cover fire while he stepped out, a smile on his face and fired a rocket at the cars. 

When the men were nothing but charred bodies we moved on to the house. There was a small scuffle in the entrance way, a small group of men had dragged some furniture out for some cover and were trying to hold us back. We didn't dare use any explosives in case Kuroko was close so it took a bit longer but before long over half of the men lay dead and the rest had surrendered. 

Aomine hurled one of the injured men in front of me, forcing him to his knees as I stared down at him, no emotion in my eyes or my voice.

"Where is the prisoner? Where is Kuroko?"

He didn't answer, just spat a glob of saliva and blood at my feet. Without even a flicker of emotion I drew my gun and shot him in the head. Aomine dragged away the body as Midorima grabbed another man and placed him before me. The man was shaking as he stared at the blood splatter on the ground at his knees. He gulped as I placed the gun, still warm against his temple.

"Same question."

He whimpered but just qsqueezed his eyes shut, waiting for the end. Supressing a sigh I began to squeeze the trigger


Another man stood up, arms raised as five guns were turned towards him.

"You don't have to execute us all. Nash has him hidden in the basement, same place he held you but the door is coded to his DNA, impossible to get in or out."

"We will see about that. Secure them."

With that order I turned and rushed for the basement, Aomine, Mayuzumi and Midorima behind me. I saw the door and my stomach turned to led. It was thick led, there was no way explosives would even make a dint in it and if it was DNA coded, hacking it would be out of the question. Fear and hopelessness rose up from inside of me. Had we come so close only to fall short of our goal?

I was ready to fall into that pit of despair but Mayuzumi pushed against the door and it opened. My eyes widened surprise but he simply bent down and grabbed a small piece of cloth that had been jammed in the door, it had been enough, placed perfectly that it had stopped the door from sealing. 

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