Chapter 2

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    Andre felt the walls rattling as the cars rolled by, the traction of the wheels making marks on the road like tanks. Feeling down his sides for the ammunition, he swallowed as he heard whispers coming from the other side of the thin walls of the Japanese sushi joint.

    "I think I saw him come this way."

    "Fucking hell you idiot, he better be over here or Hunter will be handing us our asses."

    The crime boss tensed as he saw the door handle beside him begin to jiggle. Using quick hands, Andre reloaded his machine gun before closing the hatch.

    "He better be in here D-"

    Andre slammed the butt of the gun on the Red Viper's head. His calculating gaze watched as the enemy's partner aimed the barrel of his gun at the leader of Ursianda.

    "H-Hunter wants your h-head for a bounty this time.."

    Andre tsked before he dodged the incoming rain of bullets. Taking his machine gun, he swung the weight at the fighter knocking the Viper off his feet.

    Hearing footsteps approaching, the boss moved swiftly out- retreating back to the inner city with plans running through his head of his next attack.


    I startled awake feeling a cold chill overtake my body. Warming my frozen hands in my hoodie, I observed my surroundings.

    Last night I had looked all over the city for a quiet and (somewhat) safe place to sleep before I moved back out. The rain last night hadn't helped but I'd happened to find an alley nestled between two apartment buildings. The ground wasn't too dirty and the smell didn't completely overpower my senses. I'd find solace in the aplenty of rags thrown out in the dumpster behind the hotel and I'd thanked whatever god was out there when I found an unopened grocery bag of ramen noodles and Takis.

    My mood shifts were getting worse and I couldn't help but wonder when my medication would run out. I'd stopped taking the proper dosage months ago.

    Rubbing my hands across my face, I hoped to alleviate the mounds of sleep crusting my face. The alley was growing unsafe so gathering my few things, I covered my profile with the oversized hoodie and walked out onto the sidewalk. Under the early morning light, I saw a few straggling cars and pedestrians rushing off to work. I fit in more with the aplenty of homeless adults wandering the streets than the wealthy or common Cincinnati folk. 

    I pulled my sleeves further up my arms as chills continued to run down my body. I was freezing yet I sweat profusely. Considering going back to Sunset Valley, I paced my way down a different route than before knowing anyone following me would be thrown off by the zig-zag of random streets I covered.

    I watched the clouds rolling through the sky. The dark azure was brightening to a pale blue and the white clouds shaped into humanlike forms before my eyes. I somehow needed to obtain more of my medication or my hallucinations would only grow worse.

    Wanting to avoid a hospital that would surely ask for my ID, I settled on resting at a park bench. I didn't know what time it was and my mind only became more disoriented.

    Taking a moment to catch my breath, I felt a mix of emotions pummel at me.

    Fuck, not now.

    My breathing quickened and I felt my legs begin to bounce off the ground. It felt like I was shortening out but I knew the worst was still to come.

    Colors of figures moved passed me like a rainbow train and the trees hovering above me seemed to take on ghastly smiles, watching me hyperventilate. I didn't know how much longer I could handle the pain in my head.


    My vision blurred as I saw a figure stand above me. Their head cut off the clouds moving through the sky.

    "Yo, kid. You okay?"

    Blinded by the sun, I watched as the person before me took shape.

    I focused on her brown skin illuminated with a soft glow and her kinky hair that brushed over an abstract shoulder tattoo. Her eyes were a soft brown that shined when she smiled. A bud of a blunt stuck out of her mouth and I wondered how she'd gotten a cut on her upper lip.

    "You seem fucked out of it. Live around here?"

    I squinted as I looked closer at a dragon's tail swirling down her abdomen.


    "Hey! I'm not here for you to look at!"

    I watched as the dragon's tail flicked up and curved around her once more before following the clawed creature into the sky. The girl watched my eyes follow the dragon's flight into the vast blue sky.

    "You okay?"

    Focusing my eyes back on her, I nodded and lifted a hand to shield the glare of sun.


    She cocked her head curiously before brushing a stray dread from her face. "Well you look like a blazed lion. I'm  also guessing your homeless because that is not normal." She pointed to my face and I couldn't help but feel around for an anomaly. "You need a place to stay?"

    I looked at her quizzingly, trying to decipher whether she was trustworthy. For some reason, I hadn't encountered anyone yet with explicit ulterior motives.

    "Before you spit your mouth, no I'm not a serial killer. I work at a shelter nearby. It's kinda my job to find lost and homeless people."

    "So you're a social worker?"

    "Nah, just a volunteer. I need to get my service hours in or I'm fucked for graduation." I examined her carefully and considered her to be my age.

    "You in high school?"

    "More or less. I take online classes and go to the community college because Cincinnati public schools are absolute shit."

    I shrugged and settled back into myself comfortably. She sat beside me with a concerned look.

    "What about you?"

    "Ran away from home."

    "Hmm," is all she said and I was grateful that she didn't ask for more.



    "My name is Jazmin. Nice to meet you..."


    Jazmin smiled and took my hand in hers, giving it a quick shake.

    "You seem pretty chill, Donny. Want to get some food then maybe check out the shelter?"

    I shrugged again and brushed off the question. Staying in a shelter was the last thing I wanted to do.No matter whether this girl was nice or not, I was so not up for using another communal bathroom. Maybe I'd just have to wait around a little longer.

    "I am down for food, though."

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