The Meeting

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Mia came off of the trail to hear her CRV in the distance. Apparently Walter chose to bring her car. A grin played across Mia lips as Walter got closer.

It always amused me seeing Walters huge frame stuff in my car. Neighbors first seen Walter driving my car was a mix of horror, then frowning wondering how the hell did he get in there, sorta like stuffing a genie in a bottle to 'I gotta see how he gets out'. Walter was huge standing at 6' 2" with muscles everywhere. He had a military cut with several silver strands on the side an strutted with confidence. But his eyes were a smokey grey that made all the women swoon, especially widow Anderson.

Lowering my backpack off my shoulders I glanced around still having these pin prickles goose bumps someone was watching me. I began getting these feelings a couple of miles back. I stopped several times for a water break to look around but seen nothing. A couple of times I heard a twig or a branch pop just as if something or someone had stepped on it. Then nothing! Not a sound, not even a bird chirping.

Walter stopped the car stepping out opening the back hatch as Mia threw her pack inside.

"I could have hike back. It will not be dark for another two hours", Mia muttered turning to see Walter eyes which were normally smokey grey were pitch black. She had seen this one time before, but her Gramps had explain that happens when Walter gets upset.

Mia stood with her hand out for the keys when Walter let out a humfff getting back under the wheel.

Frustrated beyond words, first someone stole her pups, then Walter refuses to let her drive her own car! Mia swiveled her feet around hearing the gravel crunch under her boots to climb into the passenger seat.

"I sense the door is fixed. Less anyone knows the better", Mia muttered snapping the seatbelt in place.

"An how do you explain away the pups being missing?"

Shrugging my shoulders,"Simple I took them back where they found them, released an waited until their parents came back for them", knowing that this had already been discussed. It would not be the first time that I had released wild animals that had been hurt or got separated from their parents.

I was watching Walter from the corner of my left eye. I have only seen Walter act like this once an that was when Gramps died. I could feel the power coming off in waves. He was taking command of the situation.

"Not happening Mia!", his words hissing through his teeth.

Raising my eyebrow I turned to see Walter knuckles turning white gripping the steering a little too tight. In the sweetest southern I could draw,"I have no idea what you are talking about", smiling slowly.

After that the ride back was quiet too quiet. A quiet Walter was unsettling. I was literally squirming in my seat. I hate this silence.

"Walter I was not going to bring the pups back. I just wanted to check that they were back with the pack. They did not arrive in the best conditions so you can understand my concern", explaining my reasoning.

Nothing! Walter never flinched nothing! By that time he pulled up to the back of the habitat, the back door was rehung, everything look just as before.

Well almost.

Walter pulled up parking toward the side of the back entrance. I sat up straighter sliding to the edge of my seat. "Damn this does not look good", I muttered under my breath, stroking my palms down my jeans.

Three bulky men had my boss Mr. Winters sandwich between them. His head barely reached their shoulders. I could see the sweat beads on Winters bald head. Mr. Winters is a whinny little man, that went strictly by the book.

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