Chapter 8

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Leighs pov

Alex looked up to see who it was and I could hear the unwanted expression in her breath.
'I'll go Leigh, Jonah really wants to talk to you' Alex whisperd. I nodded, knowing that this time I couldn't run away from him. And I wanted to see him, and hug him, and kiss him.

I was still kneeled down when Alex walked away, having Jonah facing my back so he couldn't see my eye roll.
'Why are you here?' Iasked angry but to be honest I didn't want to be mad anymore.
'Because you locked yourself in our dorn and I didn't get the change to talk to you all day so i'll talk to you now' He said soft. I stood up, still with my back to him and took a dramatic breath in and out. I turned around and when I saw Jonah my heart stopped. His eyes were red, his arms were bruised and his lip was bleeding, again.
'Who the hell did that to you?' I whisperd, thinking I was just saying it in my head.
'Nathan, but you need to see him, he's looking worse than me' A small grin appeared on his face.
'Why did you guys fight?'
'Because he kissed you, duh!' He said with a dumb frown. I slowly walked up to him and brushed his arms lightly with my fingers. He blissed of pain so I stopped immediately.
'I'm so sorry that I brought him into your guys lives, it made relations I have difficult' I said biting my lip, holding tears back.
Jonah cubbed my face and I laughed softly in his hands as he smiled.
'But you also came in my life, and you made it a whole lot better' He whisperd.
'And I think, if we take it slow, my- I mean our life would be amazing' He smiled. I leaned in and kissed him softly, not wanting to hurt his broken lip. We walked to our dorm, it was getting late.

'Alex said you really needed lessons in basketball' He said while I cuddled up to him. I rolled my eyes and sighed.
'No, I just wasn't concentrated this night' I whisperd, knowing I did needed them. He laughed and I felt his chest rise everytime he did. He kissed my head, said goodnight and wrapped his arms around me. We laid in his bed, me clean out of the shower, wearing a shirt from Corbyn. I stoll shirts from every boy, they didn't know. But they're comfortable and big, so it's great to sleep in.

'Maybe we should do something today' Jack said while me and Jonah walked into his dorm. Jack asked us to come to his room at 12. Corbyn and Zach were already there.
'Were's Alex?' I asked when I sat down next to Jack on his bed, and swinging an arm around his shoulder. All the boys looked at me and at each other.
'Uhm, she just didn't sleep last night so, we decided to gave her the rest she  needs' Jack mumbled. All the boys looked at him with dumb faces and I know he wasn't talking the truth.
'Jack.....' I said serieus. He sighed.
'Me and her, it didn't work out. So that's why she isn't here' He almost whispered.
'Why tho, I thought you liked her?'
'We just didn't work out okay, that's it!' Jack said irritated.
'Sorry Avery, don't you dare speak on a tone like that to me ever again!' I said as a joke. Jack and boys began to laugh as I did too. But I still found it strange why he and Alex "broke up".

'Watermelon?' Daniel asked me handing me a piece. We decided since it was sunday and hot to go to the beach. We got towels and food and went directly with a bus. We planned to stay here till midnight because our lessons tomorrow started 2pm so we could stay up late.
I accepted the watermelom and ate while the boys were playing soccer. I still had my shirt on but pulled down my shorts. It was an oversized tee so it coverd my bikini fully.

When Infinished my watermelon I stood up to get rid of the shirt, I wanted to swim. While I pulled it over my head and dropped it I saw all the boys almost salvilating. I giggled. Jack whistled and Jonah bit his lip.
'Dang hottie how you doin?' Jack joked with a smirk while I walked past them to the water.
'Fuck off horny boy!' I laughed and hitted Jack in the nuts with my hand.
We all laughed except for Jack, he grabbed his dick harshly with a bliss and smirked.

It kinda scared me when I saw what he was gonna do. I screamed and run if my life depended on it. Jack run after me, trying to chase me. I run into the cold water and squealed of the water touching my skin. I was still walking fast into the water but it became difficult. Jack jumped on my back making us both fall into the ocean. When we came up to the surface we saw that the boys had joined us. Jack grinned at me as Ibhit the back of his head when I finally stood straight. We played around in the water for a while.

'I GOT IT GUYS I GOT IT!' I heard Jack scream out of knowhere. I was facing Jonah and my back was to Jack so I didn't know what he was talking about. Till I saw Jonah turning red as a tomato looking at my breasts. I looked down and saw that the top of bikini was gone. I quickly grabbed my boobs to cover them and turned around.
'JACK ROBERT AVERY!' I screamed. I saw him laughing with my top in hands, swinging it around like he was cowboy or something. We were still in the water so chasing each other was really hard, eventually when you can't use your hands or all the boys would get a nasty boner.
'Jack gave her her top back' I heard Jonah saw as he stood next to me.
'Come get it baby!' Jack yelled as he took the top in his mouth swimimg away. Strange, Jack was never like this. I mean, he was always annoying but about my breasts or calling me baby, he never did that before. A weird though flew through my mind. What if Jack liked me, told Alex and now they don't talk anymore. Alex would understand because me and Jack are friends for the longest time. But I really wanted to keep it that way...

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