My God.!

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Alex's POV-

Well that was cute.. i thought to myself 

i couldn't stop smiling or thinking what i was going to wear for the rest of the day! 

I walked down the hall to find a small room that read English & maths 

i opened, stepped in and nshut the door behind me, looking around the room there was only a few people in the room 

A small group of spread out boys and girls an a smaller group of girls up the back that look like a bunch of nice girls but also lookd like they owned the class.

There was 3 girls 

A blond chick with blue strips through her hair, her face was caked with make-up and she looked like a girls who followed the group

another that was next to and comfertable talking to the blond Which had a dark natural hair colour and didnt seem to wear make-up But the one that stood out the most was a simple looking girl with black hair with ringlets at the ends, her make-up was all natrual colours apart from her eyeliner and mascara. She had a nose Ring and her tougne pirced which made her a little intimadating. 

i went to take a seat up the front but stood and turned to hear one of the girls call out 

"Oi Mutt your not in our class Get out we don't want no barbie dolls in this class" 

"I'm New to the school and Sorry to disappoint you but i happen to be in this class" I shot back at her with a bitchy tone to my voice

"Don't get lippy with me or i'll come down there and techhhh......

"Starting trouble again Tanishka" A voice cutted in from the front of the room

"No Miss"Tanishka Slured out Rolling her eyes at me and sat back down into her seat with me dropping into my seat.

This is Engilsh, Not an Allie way Girls, the teacher continued.

"And you must be"

"Alexandia but you can call me Alex" i snapped at her

"Yes,.. The new child" She finished saying why looking at me as if she had never meet a teenage girl with Additude....


English seemed to go for ever, But as soon as the bell rang I swear i was the first person out of that class.

Last sesstion was over and all i could think about was tonight and getting to know Him better. But what if its awkward or he asks things i can't answer what if....

But i heard a loud determand voice bring me out of my thoughs at that point.

"We have unfinised busness Skank.!" Tanishka yalled so the whole hall way could here her

"I should pound your head in right here and right now.!"

"Whats your problem Hun, What did i do to make you be a total bitch to me, I'm sorry that i had to Join your class but i have been through enough to get to this point and i don't need you destroying this oppertuninty for me.! I deserve to be in this school and learn as much as you do FUCK! Get over yourself "Babe".! 

"Proud of yourself, Standing up to the big old mean bully, sorry to disappoint you but it makes me want to smash you pretty little barbie doll face in ever more.!" 

At this point there was a huge crowed around us just listoning into what was going on 

Its High school Really.? What do you exspect

"Tanishka.!" A sexy, Dreamy voice called from behind me

"Didn't relise you picked on people smaller then you" 

"And Jordy I didn't relise you stuck up for ugly pathetic Muts.!" She shot back with her words hitting me sharpley 

"Its because i don't "

"What are you doing with her then"

"Standing up for a beautiful, Gorgouse girl" He replyed looking at me with a gorgouse sexy crooked half smile 

"WHATEVER," she yelled, You believe your bullshit" She Replyed and stomed off

Jordy Seemed happy about himself after Tanishka Stomed off 

He Turned and faced me and straight away a sexy croked half smile apeared on his face while staring at me.

It had only been a few seconds but that staring sesstion moved on quickly and turned into a movement from what seemed like he was coming in for a kiss.! 

OMG What do it do...

Kiss him back.?

Act surprised..

just stand here..?

but with out any time to make my desstion on what to do came abit of Dissapointment.

"Can't wait to see you tonight Princess" He wispered into my ear with he same crooked half smile on his face with a little wink to it.

It sent shivers through my hole body and sent a smile straight to my face.


I was sitting at the bus stop out the front of school with a group of guys sitting behind the bus shelter sharing and Passing a half lit cigarette between the 5 of them.

I'm pretty sure it was more then a cigarette but you know dosen't really matter,

One of the old guys sitting down there saw me eyeing them off, Nugded his mate and looked staight at me to show him that i was  looking at them.

"Hey Babe, Want a Drag" He shouted with a happy, sarcastic tone in his voice with him and his mates giggling between eachother 

I just rolled my eyes and turned back to look infront of me 

One of the boys stood up and walked over to me, i can't complain he was kinda hot but i also wasn't comfterble being around them 

"You look lonley" He said standing in front of me

"Theres plenty of room over here between the 5 of us" He continued jokingly with his mates laughing along with him

I ignored his Disgusting remark 

"Come one babe" He insisted  but i quickly moved further back onto the seat 

"I'm Fine thanks.! I'd rather wait for the bus in peice" I snapped back giving him a dirty look 

"A chick with Additude, Thats Hot" He remarked as he walked back to his mates.

I pluged in my music and turned it right up loud to block out the world

And I lost faith the sevanth time around but It appears as im still here now,

This dosen't mean i don't love everything about you.!

Some times thats not enought and it dosen't mean i couldn't stick it out a few more years

it just means i'm not that tough weather you like it or not,

I'll be around most likely for years to come if you need anything but i'll never be your lover,

No i'm not cut out for that Job oversley 

 I'm not enough and i won't be ever if not now

your temerary lover you lay down so don't fall back on me now

 because i'm not cut out...  

My Music Blaired out just as my bus pulled up, Thank God.!  

I checked the time and counted down the hours till tonigh 


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