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"Is this your way of trying to impress people" I let out trying not to give away that i found it a bit Sexy

He looked a little confused for a second but quickly Realised what my remark was about


He quickly let out in Shock, Racing back into the house and straight to his room. I stood at the door giggling to myself Trying to make sure he didn't relise i thought it was a bit sexy

COME IN!! i hear ecoing throught the house as i stopped laughing to myself, it was a beautiful house i thought to myself as i took a few steps in the door staring down the hall way, I'm Guessing that the other end of the hall was the bathroom, it was a small with room with the door half opened and you could just see the end of the bath tub, I walked a few steps down the hall some more and saw the living room to my left and an blank to my right,

the door was shut and idk why but the room seemed intressting to me i opened the door and pused it so i could see with out having to enter, it was painted a light blue with pictures of a little boy hung around the room, the bed was made perfectley, and there was a toy train set set up correctly on the floor in front of the bed.

It looked like it hadent been touched in years But it wasn't old ether, i went to walk forward but felt someone grab me, i jumped as it scared me, and turned to see jordy (finally wearing clothes) with his hands holding my wast looking at me in an upset yet very angry look.

"What are you doing!!" He let out as if he was about to cry

I..I..I'm Sorry This room just... Sorry i..

"Just please don't go into that room again" He let out quickly as he let me go and sat on the couch in the living room to the left of us


I joined him on the couch and he looked at me with a grin like nothing happened

"Do you want a drink"

I looked at him with weird eyes

"Don't tell me you don't drink.. I can't imaging a beautiful girl like you being innoccent"

He said while standing up with his sexy half smile

"Depends what you mean by Innoccent" I replied with a little tone in my voice

He leaned into my face really close as if he wanted to show me what h ment right there and then, i found it very intressting

"Take A guess"

"Hmm You can find out yourself, but sure i'd love a drink" i added trying to sound as suducing as possible why standing up and pressing my body against his

"I'll be right bac with those" Saying while staring into my eyes as he turned to walk into the kitchen

I feel back onto the couch Smiling to my self


Omg i just thought to myself

She wasn't ment to react

What am i doing

Things are going to get weird

I'm going to reck any friendship with her

Thoughts start racing through my head,...

Shes beautiful and my god i wouldn't mind getting in with her but i don't want to ruin things befor anything even starts!

It takes time but i clear my head and thoughts and Head back out with our drinks

She looks at me with a check smile as i place the drink in front of her

"Ta" She smiles at me

Do you wanna watch a movie? I ask Hoping i'm not boring her

"Sure, What movie?"

I don't mind, You choice, But i presonaly like horror i seem to relate to it better, as creepy as that sounds I giggle as i finish my sentance

"Omg me to!" She lets out faceing me on the couch with excitment in her eyes

"Really, I've never meet a girl who can't stand horror or can't last though it!"

"There all sooks I can Last through any, haven't found one i can't stand yet" She said in a determained voice

"We can fix that" I replied in a suducive voice,

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