Fate sure is funny

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Okay so before I start writing we all know reader fan fics of the shorten things right? (Y/N) is your name so on and so forth. Sorry about any spelling errors and grammar.

I was in the comic book shop looking at marvel. I'm a huge nerd for them I love their work a lot and their art. The comic shop has a deadpool cut out in the front, the inside was filled with shelves littered with comics from DC to marvel to make it your own. The walls were covered with posters you can buy and frames. It also has cut outs around the store and the employes add funny clothing. Roaming around the store, the store goes dim as if there's something blocking the sun. Everyone runs to the Windows and there's a giant bus that's all these colors it's as if a 5 year old drew on it. Most of the avenger actors step out and walk towards the entrance and walks in. I see Tom oh god he has a beard my face turns pink and he notices me and walks towards me.
"Hey do you want me to sign your comic there?" He asked me
"Sure. Sign it to (Y/N) please." I respond to him being giddy. He nods and signs and notices a part of my back tattoo.
"Do you have a tattoo?" He asks while looking down finishing up the signature.
"Yeah! It's on my back its a full back half colored it's most of the Marvel characters. My favorite ones are colored the rest are outlined." I say to him watching him doing up his signature.
"Oh really? Does the mortal have I Loki the god of mischief?" He suddenly asks his voice getting deeper.
"Yup I sure do. But he's on my inner thigh since he's my favorite character" I respond, my face suddenly goes darker. We continue on talking and gives me his phone number. I go back to my small apartment with my cat, I used to have a room mate but we had a falling out happen along with my ex-boyfriend. God I hated that jerk he didn't treat me right and alwayshated how I was too nerdy for him. Well he can kiss my ass know I'm doing so much better. My phone buzzes, looking at the annoying device it's from Tom. As time goes by me and Tom haven't stopped texting it's 3 am and i really need some sleep. I text him good night and fall asleep smiling about Tom.
           *time skip to the late morning or early afternoon*

Waking up I instantly shower I feel the cold water run down my (H/C) (H/L)  and my (S/C). Rinsing off the shampoo and soap suds I step put and wrap the towel around me tightly. Looking at the mirror that is covered with steam, wiping it off I smile. My (E/C) look a lot more awake know. Walking to my kitchen starting up coffee (if u don't like coffee do tea) my cat rubbing against my leg purring.
"Sorry bud totally forgot to feed you." I walk to his food bowl and fill it with food, he meows happily and eats. There's a ring noise around the apartment, I go to the door through the peek hole. It's my god damn ex, ever since I broke up with him he's been trying to get back together with me. I double lock the door and go to my room and change doing up my hair and make up. I grab my bag and car keys.
"Later bud ill see you when I get back!" I shout at my cat and opening the door seeing my ex trying to block me.
"Excuse me sir I need to getto work." I say at him mature. The one thing I've never liked about him was his ego like damn. Oh yeah, he's really tall and i mean that im quite short. He's also really muscular as well, brown hair brown eyes and light skinned. This assholes name is Alex.
"Not until you take me back (Y/N)!" Alex screams at me pinning me against a wall both his hands trapping me.
"No I'm not taking your pathetic ass back. So can you please let me through I need to go to work." I say gritting my teeth. He finally sighs and let's me go but he suddenly slaps my ass hard.
"Don't forget that ass is still mine (Y/N)!" He yells as I walk away towards the downstairs parking. The apartment building is old so pretty much everything creeks and rusty but hey us tenants deal with it. My apartment is modern looking with a nice couch a small t.v a full sized bed and so on. My kitchen however is small a fridge barely any counter space and an oven where only one burner works, the cabinets old and the doors falling apart. Sighing I reach my car it's an old Volkswagen beetle I think it's from the 70s or the 80s. Starting it up hoping it'll start this time, the engine turning over and finally starts. I drive to work which is an office job for me but im the receptionist only have to answer calls. The pay isn't very good actually, $6 an hour for me. I park my car in the garage and walk into the building. The floor is all white tile so is the paint on the walls and the lights. It's as if someone has no sense of color with this place. The only color in this building is the chairs which are filled with people and the elevator. Walking towards my desk hearing the sound of my heels on the floor. Sitting in the big comfy chair the leather sticks to my thigh as I'm answering the phone.

Tom hiddleston  (Loki) x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now