The ancient machine

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/Here is the third chapter. I'll try to get them all posted soon. I have a lot of spelling and grammar errors to fix. I did write this forever ago. Enjoy./

"Basically what I'm trying to say is it's dangerous." Dipper argued as he explained to his grandpa what he read about the machine.

Stanley stood leaned against the wall running his fingers over his chin in deep thought. Dipper knew that whatever that machine really did, is what Gideon will be after. Dipper paced the shack trying to think of a way to dig up that machine without causing a commotion. 'I could dig it by shovel but that'll take ages. How do I get it up? Wait, I could ask Bill. Wait, no he's already against me having anything to do with the device. Yet, I probably have no other choice. Unless.' Dipper ran up the stairs and into his room.

"Mabel! I need your help." Dipper said as Mabel smiled at him.

"Explosives?" Mabel asked.

"How'd you know?"

"I'm your twin, I know everything."

Almost everything. Dipper smiled. "Thanks sis, sneak them from Grunkle Stan and then find me, alright?

Mabel waved him off with her hand. "No problem. I'll have Grunkle Stan out like a light. Flat on the floor! Wamp!"

Mabel then snuck into the kitchen sprinkling a special chocolate powder into Stanford's cereal when he was not looking. After a few bites his eyes then widened.

"Uh oh." Stanford said before running into the bathroom. "Incoming bomb!"

Mabel snickered as she snuck upstairs into Stanford's room to steal his explosives. Why does he have explosives you may ask? Well, let's not question Grunkle Stan. Mabel then walked outside to find dipper, and he led her to the spot of the machine.

"Wow. What is that?" Mabel asked standing on the replica.

"An ancient machine created to protect humans from angry gods." Dipper explained. "It's said to have the power to destroy the world."

Mabel gazed up it in amazement. "And we're going to blow it up?"

"No, we're blowing the sand up to get to the machine."

Both twins then set up the bombs, Dipper signaling Mabel to duck and hide. Dipper must be the one to set off the bombs, he won't put Mabel's life in danger, and he will only have a few seconds to take cover before it blows. Dipper set the few second timer and pressed go.

"It's a go Mabel I'm coming!" Dipper yelled as he stood up.

As he began to run his foot hit a rock and he ended up tripping and rolling in the dirt. Dipper looked up in horror as the explosives went off, swallowing him up with them.

"Dipper!" Mabel screamed as she watched the silhouette of her brother vanish in the flames.

As the flames dyed down Mabel ran out into the smoke to find him, forgetting they just blew a hole in the ground she braces herself as she almost falls off a cliff. The smoke clears out and Mabel can now see down the crater.

"Dipper!" Mabel screamed but to no avail. "Bro bro!"

Tears began flooding down Mabel's face as the realization came to her, Dipper; her beloved brother could be gone. She fell to her knees sobbing.

"Dipper I'm so sorry. I could have saved you. Why couldn't it have been me?" Mabel whispered sadly to herself.

As Mabel's sorrows grew stronger, a blonde man flew next to her from hearing her cries.

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