Chapter 1

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Andy looked down at the body in front of him. This SOB had been helping Stroh. And all he wanted was to drink. Shaking his head he went to do canvas. Finding a locked door he called over Julio who picked the lock. Andy drew his gun as he entered the room, turning on the light. He froze when he saw the body in the bed.

"Oh my god, Sharon." He breathed.

Running over he pressed his middle and pointer finger to her neck checking her pulse.

"I need a medic in here" Julio called out into the hallway.

"She's alive but her pulse and breathing are week." Andy said. "Sharon, please wake up." He said quietly.

An hour later Andy was sitting in the hospital waiting room while Sharon was in surgery. He looked up when Rusty hurried towards him. Andy stood up, Rusty stopping in front of him.

"Is she okay?" Rusty asked.

"She's in surgery, we have the doctor in custody. Her hearts okay."

"What do you mean?"

"She has nothing wrong with her heart. Those pills were making her sick."

"What about when she passed out?" Rusty asked.

"She was anemic and under to much stress. The doctor said that she should make a full recovery once she gets out of surgery."

"Was Stroh behind this?"

"We think so, the guys are looking to see if there's any evidence to link the doctor to Stroh. Until then we just wait." Andy said taking a seat. Rusty sitting down next to him.

When Sharon finally got out of surgery Andy sat beside her bed as she slept. Reaching out he took her hand, kissing her knuckles softly.

"I called Ricky and Emily to let them know that she was out of surgery. Ricky's coming after work but Emily can't get a flight till Tuesday." Rusty said walking into the room.

Andy nodded watching Sharon. He hadn't left her side, and had no intention of going back to work.

"You should go home" Andy said glancing at Rusty who shook his head.

"I'm not leaving, I can go in the hall if you want some time."

"No, it's okay. Probably safer here anyway."

Rusty sat down across from Andy looking at Sharon. "What do we do?" Rusty asked making Andy look at him. "Stroh is still out there, and until she wakes up we have no idea what happened."

"We have the whole team working on this, we'll get him." Andy replied.

Sharon moaned softly next to them. Andy sat up squeezing her hand. "Sharon? Sweetie wake up." Moaning again her eyes fluttered, opening slowly.

"Andy" she breathed looking at him.

"Hey, you're okay." He said quietly.

Tears filled her eyes as Andy kissed her hand again. "I didn't know what was going on."

"You don't have to talk now. Just get some rest."

"Please don't go" Sharon said quietly.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said, leaning forward he kissed her forehead.

Sharon glanced at Rusty, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave you like that. With Stroh so close to you. I had no idea."

"Mom it's not your fault, Andy's right. Get some sleep." Rusty said with a reassuring smile.

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