Chapter 2

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Sharon pushed herself out of the hospital bed. Andy standing closely beside her. Offering his hand to her she took it, breathing out slowly. Andy kissed her temple softly. His touch brings her emotions flooding in. The tears sting her eyes as she buries her head into his chest. His arms wrapping around her, holding her close.

"I'm here, you're safe" he whispered.

"I was so scared Andy" She said quietly.

Letting out a sigh Andy brushed back a strand of her hair. Looking at her he cupped her chin in his hand. "I love you. And I know you are an amazing person and you are brave. You can do this, Stroh isn't getting away with this. I won't let him."

"You are to good to me Andrew Flynn."

"And you are the best thing to happen to me since kids." He smiled.

She couldn't hep but smile, leaning towards him she kissed him softly. Andy glanced past Sharon making her turn to look. Her heart lept when she saw Ricky standing in the doorway. Giving her hand a squeeze Andy silently left the room to give them some privacy. Ricky slowly walked into the room, closing the door carefully behind him. Sharon stood frozen as she watched him. Her eyes filling with tears again. Without a word Ricky walked towards her wrapping his arms around her. Resting her forehead on his shoulder she rubbed his back gently.

"You're really here." He whispered.

Sharon only managed to nod, her throat tight from the wave of emotions.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked pushing back to look at her.

"I don't really remember much. Just collapsing at my desk and after that everything is pretty much a blur."

"Rusty told me that you aren't sick? Or I guess your heart is fine?" Ricky asked.

She nodded slowly, "he wanted me to be at my weakest. The doctor said I should be back 100% soon, just have to take it easy for right now." She explained.

"Can I do anything?" He asked making her smile.

"No. I'll be okay. Are you?"

Ricky sighed looking down at their hands. "I thought you were dead mom. We had to go through your stuff, and decide what we wanted to keep. And I had to watch those videos and realize I wasn't going to see you, or hear you, or hug you again." He let out a sigh again. "I took the snow villiage. I couldn't get rid of it."

Sharon lifted her hand up, touching his face softly. "Keep it, I can't take back what Stroh did and made you go through and I'm worry."

"Just make sure you get him. And that Rusty doesn't get hurt."

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