Chapter 4

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Sharons heart fell as she ran up to the house seeing Rusty sitting on the step.  He looked up at her as she approached, letting out a sigh he got up, hugging her tightly. 

"Are you okay?" Sharon whispered. 

"Yeah Im fine, Strohs dead."  Rusty replied.

"I know, what happened?" She asked pushing away to look at him.

"He pulled out a gun when I tried to arrest him." Provenza said walking up. 
Sharon turned, giving him a hug.  He hugged her back gently, giving her back a soft pat.  Andy walked up to join them as they moved the body from the scene and into the van to go to the morgue.  Reaching for Andys hand Sharon squeezed it tightly as she watched the men load his body into the back.  Rusty stepped closer to her, she slipped her arm around him giving  him what she hoped was a reassuring smile.  Provenza excused himself, going to speak with several other officers. 

"Can we go home?" Rusty asked looking at Sharon after they closed the doors on the van. 

Nodding the three of them walked to the car.  They drove in silence, all dealing with todays events in their own way.  Even the condo was quiet when they got back, it made Sharon uneasy, like something bad was going to happen.  But Stroh was dead.  Emily was asleep on the couch wrapped up in one of Sharons blankets while Ricky worked at Sharons desk.  Seeing them come in he stopped what he was going and got up. 

"Is it over?" He asked looking from his mom to brother. 

"We got him" Sharon said with a sigh of relief.

"We should celebrate," Ricky smiled. 

"Honestly, I just want to sleep." Rusty replied looking at Sharon. 

"Go lay down for a little bit." She said with a slight nod. 

"Is he okay?" Ricky asked watching Rustys door close.  "I thought he would be happier that Stroh is dead."

"Stroh's dead?"Emily asked sitting up. 

"Yes, and I think at this point it has been such a long time coming and so stressful that hes just plain tired." Sharon could feel her emotions getting the best of her.  Excusing herself she went onto the balcony.  A few minutes later she heard the sliding door open.  Emily walked out with two glasses of red wine, handing one to her mom before sitting down next to her. 

"How are you doing with all this?" She asked. 

Letting out a sigh Sharon shrugged. "I thought I would feel more relief.  I spent so long waiting for the other shoe to drop.  And now its just over.  I'm glad he cant hurt anyone else though." Sharon said sipping her wine. 

"Do you think Rusty got justice?"

Sharon nodded, "Stroh would have figured out how to hurt him if he was in prison.  I didnt think that way before.  I wanted him to rot.  But he would of just tried to escape again or manipulate from the inside."

"What changed your mind?" Emily asked,  Sharon looked at her swallowing down her wine. 

"Not being here with you, and learning that he made you think I was dead.  If he could do that and lead everyone on a wild goose chase than he could beat the system."

Moving her chair over Emily laid her head on Sharons shoulder gently.  "I love you," she said quietly.

"I love you too" Sharon replied kissing the top of her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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