Chapter 3

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Stroh stood watching Sharon and her family through his rifle scope. They were in their kitchen talking around the table. Her daughter, son and Rusty were there and seemed happy. He needed to change his plan. He had been careful the last few days but he was growing anxious and needed to move. He wanted to kill someone, make a statement. Putting his scope away he walked back out of the room leaving the woman he had just killed on the floor. Walking down the hall he pulled off his gloves waving to the camera with a smirk as he entered the stairway.

Andys stomach knotted as he looked out the window of the apartment which looked level to Sharons apartment. Turning on his heals he walked out running into Sharon in the hall.

"Sharon, what are you doing here?" He asked grabbing her arm.

"Stroh was here." She said simply.

"I know, you need to leave." He replied.

"Flynn, you need to see this." Provenza said walking up behind Andy making him turn.

He followed Provenza back into the room, Sharon at his side even through his insistence that she should go home. Provenza handed Andy a note, Sharon reading it over his shoulder.
You look happy Sharon. Too bad I plan to take that all away from you. Be careful, its a scary World out there. Phillip Stroh, on the back an address.

"We are looking into the address to see if theres anything there but could be a set up." Provenza said.

Letting out a sigh Sharon shook her head and turned to walk out. Turning quickly Andy followed her out.

"Sharon!" And called after her.

Stopping she turned to face him. He could tell she had been crying. Reaching out he took her hand in his.

"I cant let him hurt anyone else." She said with a shaky breath.

"He wont, well find him. Everyone is on this."

"I want more officers at the house for Ricky and Emily. Rusty and Gus need to be at the station."

Andy nodded. "Will you wait here and Ill make a phone call?"

Sharon sat down on a bench near the crime scene. Laying her head back against the wall she looked up at the ceiling. She heard footsteps approach her in the hallway, sitting up quickly she saw Rusty.

"Rusty, what are you doing here?" She asked standing up.

"He's going to kill me isnt he? He was watching us." Rusty said quickly.

"Rusty no one is going to let him hurt you."

"Its never simple with Stroh though. Hell lead everyone in one direction and do something different. Its just the kind of person he is. Just like me."

"Rusty how many times do I have to tell you that you are nothing like him."

"You told me in the video to think like him. Maybe I can do it so easily because I'm so much like him."

Shaking her head Sharon grabbed his wrists. "I told you that because I know that you have that ability to think. You know what its like to have loss, and be innovative. It was never meant to drag you into something you couldnt get back from. You and Stroh might have simmer back stories but like any good story you arent the villain."

"Why do you have so much faith in me?" He asked quietly.

"Because I know you, and your my son, my job is to have faith in you." She said with a soft smile.

He smiled letting out a quick stream of air, "thanks mom."

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