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⬅   ||    bbae.jy

Today; 21:00

Are you fine there?
I'm sorry if I'm overemotional in the
I shouldn't say those words to you, right?

I'm fine here
No need to be sorry
I'll always forgive you
Don't worry
Those words encouraging me to keep
loving you more and more

I'm touched
Thank you Jinyoung
Without you I can't reach this far

Is there something's wrong?
Why you suddenly thanking me?

I just reminiscing our moments together
Like when there's a misconception of us
Where you told me as a bad commenter
That's so childish yet cute

You're fine, right?
Are you drunk?

I'm not drunk.
I can still see the keyboard on my screen

You're truly not drunk
How to fool someone intelligent like you?
That's why I love you
I won't leave you, dump you or
anything else

I love you too Jinyeong
I have to sleep now
I wish you have a great dream tonight
Goodnight my star

Goodnight too my moon.
I wish you could meet me in your dream

- - -

I quickly get myself for my personal schedule today; talk show. I get in the car as soon as the manager calls me. My hands chilled because of my nervousness.

"Arrived." My manager tells me, opening the door for me.

I get out from the car properly, greeted by a few media reporters and cameras. I walk into the studio after I greet them with a smile.

After a few minutes searching for the right set for my talk show, I finally found it thanks to the staff working there. I enter the room while bowing to them politely.

"Take a seat anywhere you want, Seorin. The others still haven't arrive yet." The director says to me.

I take a look at the beautifully built set. I sit on the three seated red sofa. Suddenly I feel someone touches my shoulder, trying to call me. I turn to my left, shocked to see Jihoon sunbae smiles at me while taking a seat next to me.

"You're already here, Seorin. It's great to meet you again." He giggles.

"Are you the only one that came here? How about your other members?" I ask him.

"They only want a member only from each group. Didn't you read the description given to you?" He explains before asking me.

I shake my head, laughing at his confused face. While I was busy laughing, the other guests and the MCs of the talk show arrived. I bow to each of them, still sitting next to Jihoon.

The talk show finally starts. The MC asks me as I'm the first guest that arrived here, "Seorin, how are your condition nowadays? We heard about your health problem. Can you explain to us a bit?"

"I got a heartache. I can't be shocked or be in panic too much. If I can't control my anger or sadness, I have a higher chance to get a cardiac arrest." I explain to them.

"How's your boyfriend's reactions when he heard about your condition?" The MC asks me again but with harder question.

I take a look at Jihoon sunbae. He mouths something to me but I can't get it. I take a few seconds break before answering the question. "He gives me a lot of support. I feel thankful for that." I lied at last.

I feel so lost right after I lied. What if Bae Jinyoung watched this? What will he said to me?

"Thank you for today!" The director tells all of the guests, MCs and the staffs as the recording for the show ended.

I bow to all of them before leaving the set together with Jihoon beside me. He gives me a thumb up, praising me with his smiles. "I wish I could see you more in TV programmes. But promise me that you will appear more on TV."

He gives me his pinky finger to make a pinky promise like how kids use to do. I feel embarrassed to do it at first but I feel that it's cute to make an agreement in this way.


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seo.seorin23    @seo.hyukkk  is my drinking buddy

Just now. See translation.

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