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A day passed very quickly like a dead leaf been blown away by strong wind. I'm still hospitalized. I have to stay here for two more days to check my improvements.

"Seorin, you have woke up? Do you want to get some fresh air?" Jinan greets me with a bright smile on his face.

I nod. He carries me to let me sit on the wheelchair. He pushes my wheelchair calmly, walking around the hospital garden. I take a look at the beautiful nature that I missed.

"Ouh? A dandelion!" He shrieks all of sudden, stopped from pushing my wheelchair.

He runs to the grass surfaces, picking up a few dandelion flowers. He gives me one of the flowers that he picked. I look at him, confused.

"Seorin.. I heard some people said that if we wished before blowing the dandelion, our wishes will come true. Let's try it!" He explains.

I close my eyes, thinking about my wishes. There's so many things in my mind. ".. If it's possible, get me a man that could protect me till the end." I say to myself before blowing the flower petals.

"Seorin!" A few girls' voices calls me from afar. It's my ex group members.

Jinan pushes my wheelchair to go closer to them. All of them hugs me tightly while giving me a few bouquet of flowers and gifts. My lap surrounds my their gifts and flowers. I feel happy as I saw them after I succeed in the surgery.

"We cried in happiness when your mom told us that you succeed in overcome the crisis in the surgery." Youngju ruffles my hair, actually I missed their interactions with me.

"Well.. Since all your friends are here, I should get going. I have to go to work. I will visit you again tonight." Jinan suddenly kisses my cheeks, waving goodbye at me.

I'm surprised. But.. Why don't I feel anything when he did that? I'm not even feeling attracted to him when he kissed me. There's no expressions like how I used to feel when Jinyoung did the same thing as Jinan's.

- - -

"Seorin~ Is that guy just now, your new boyfriend?" Nana teases me, poking on my cheeks disturbing me eating the lunch.

"He's just my friend. Nothing more than that. We have been friends since kindergarten." I explain to them to avoid misunderstandings.

"I thought that you finally find someone to replace Bae Jinyoung.." She adds.

I stop munching on the food in my mouth as I heard Jinyoung's name. The food suddenly tastes bitter. Why I'm feeling so unwell when his name being called?

"Seorin.. Wae?" Youngju asks me, maybe because she saw me putting the chopsticks down.

"I.. I already feel full. I can't eat anymore." I lie followed by a fake laugh.

"Really? You just eat a quarter of the rice and a pinch of fish." She asks me again.

"Yes, I am... Bae Jinyoung.." I stopped. I see Jinyoung leans on the wall next to the door. He looks at me like waiting for my friends to leave.

"Bae Jinyoung? What are you talking about? He's not even here.." Nana and the other members take a look at where my finger points at.

I blink my eyes, looking back at the wall. They're true. I'm just hallucinating that he is here. But why? Am I missing him that much?

"Seorin.. We have to leave now. Mr CEO wants to meet us. Is it fine for us to leave you here alone?" Youngju asks me right after she reads something from her phone.

"It's okay. This hospital is safe. Send my regards to Mr CEO. I miss him too." I smile at them, watching them leaving my wardroom one by one.

I feel so lonely after a few seconds they left me. I take my phone from the drawer, scrolling my Instagram feeds. My finger stops when Jinyoung's post is right in front of me.

He is doing great.. Right?


Liked by jaechan

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Liked by jaechan.jae, park.wink99, kk.311 and 667,209 others.

bbae.jy wait for me. I will visit you soon.

Just now. See translation.

View other 549,997 comments.
park.wink99 Bring me there too 😭😭
baebaebae Visit Seorin? I'm still not over from your relationship 😭 I miss both of you so much


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